Mia Hennen
The Student Senate listens to student organizations present during public forum on Aug. 30.
The Student Senate decided to redo allocations yet again during Wednesday’s Senate meeting, going through the budget line-by-line and approving or amending each organization’s allotted amount.
According to Aaron Haynes, the chairperson who made the initial motion to divide the bill, the decision was due to worries over conflicts of interest. If the Senate voted on each individual organization rather than voting on the bill in its entirety, senators could abstain from organizations that they participate in.
Indian Student Association took the biggest hit throughout the entire process. They were originally allocated $10,000 under the voided appropriations budget and now sit at $6,900 after the Aug. 30 meeting.
Four other groups lost over $2,000 from the original appropriations process: Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc., Association of Hindu Students in America, Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Both Shocker Racing: Baja SAE and Shocker Racing: Formula SAE saw the biggest variances between their original allocations and what they will likely receive for this fiscal year.
Baja SAE will receive $18,270 from SGA, a $13,270 difference from what they were allocated at the beginning of August. Formula SAE will receive $19,260, which is $15,760 gained from their initial allocation.
These appropriations are not final and will provide the basis for the 74 bills that are currently being processed by the Student Government Leadership, according to SGA adviser Brandon McClain.
The full, uncodified appropriations budget can be found here.