At Mikrobrews, poetry and coffee warm the heart
Dan Arndt, contributor to Mikrokosmos, performing his poetry at Mikrobrews on Thursday, January 31.
Grinding espresso and shuffling Catan pieces meet the buzz of downtown. Poets organize their papers and chat excitedly as a microphone is assembled. The stage is set for Mikrobrews with Mikrokosmos, an open mic night thrown by Wichita State’s own literary magazine.
Sente coffeeshop is absurdly appropriate for a Thursday-night literary love affair such as this one. There is a certain ambiance that comes with being surrounded by old board games.
As Mariah Beth-Perkins hosts and emcees the event, the rest of the Mikro crew passionately shares their selected poems. Nonfiction Editor Dan Arndt brought the boozy brews to Mikrobrews with his hilarious poetry. Rounding out the show, Fiction Editor Sydney “Syd the Kid” Martin performed her wrenching odes to the human heart. Event-goers gathered around the Mikrokosmos sales table to buy exclusive T-Shirts, issues, and even books penned by Mikrokosmos staff.
Cheeky smiles and giggles meet involuntary head-nodding and hums. It’s an intimate gathering, but the vibes are stellar. Mikrokosmos is a small, but outrageously supportive community of poets, writers, and spontaneous haiku-ers. The importance of small gatherings such as this one is radically downplayed. Nothing nurtures creation better than coffee, comfy chairs, and the humble applause of a small audience on a cold winter night.
The Mikrokosmos Release Party for the magazine’s 65th issue will be held Friday, March 22, at the McKnight Art Center.