Springfest springs student organizations to life
Secretary of Society of Cosplayers Sydney Burtwistle and Vice President of Spectrum and President of Society of Cosplayers Damarís N. Mireles hug while holding tables during Springfest. Different organizations and clubs tabled at the event on Jan. 24.
Stickers, bracelets, pamphlets and, of course, students gathered on the first floor of the Rhatigan Student center on Tuesday afternoon for this year’s annual Springfest.
Tables lined the middle of the RSC floor, highlighting the different groups on campus with representatives to help students with any questions they may have.
Springfest is an event hosted by the Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership (SEAL) group on campus to give students a chance to get engaged and learn about the many campus organizations. SEAL student organization assistant Adela Grajeda said Tuesday had a good turnout.
“I’ve seen a lot of people coming and going,” Grajeda said. “We’ve kind of been keeping track of the attendance with some slips they filled out and I feel like it’s going pretty well.”
Students were able to bring questions about the organizations and chat with group representatives or about what campus life looks like.
“They seem pretty excited,” Grajeda said. “They had more questions and were eager to learn.”
Many tables made it out Tuesday, with buttons, bracelets, pamphlets and more for students to pick up. Campus groups such as Greek Life and organizations like SEAL and Spectrum offered a variety of merchandise and information packets.
Springfest also allowed students to learn about upcoming events on campus. Spectrum officer James Oswley said the turnout to their table brought lots of engagement this year, and time to advertise their upcoming events.
“We hold events every Thursday at the RSC for people to come together,” Oswley said. “This week we’re doing a hot cocoa and syllabus social. … It’s the first big meeting back this semester and we’re hoping to draw some support and create a safe space on campus.”
For those that missed Springfest, upcoming events can be found online at wichita.edu/calendar.

Kyran Crist was the arts and entertainment editor for The Sunflower. Crist majored in communications with an emphasis on journalism. Her favorite quote...