Facing rejection when you don’t get the job
Getting turned down by a potential employer can be devestating for many students that are hoping to get into the work force.
Rejection is a hard pill to swallow. You don’t want to be snubbed after dressing the part, putting yourself out there and doing your best to make a great first impression. But not getting a job is a fact of life in the world of employment.
While you are not likely to change the interviewer’s decision, you can control how you deal with the situation.
1. Give yourself a break.
If you don’t get the job, don’t beat yourself up over it. Relax, have some ice cream, talk to a friend and enjoy the benefits of the free time you now have. You may think about what you could’ve done differently, but regrets won’t change anything. Take comfort in the fact that you tried.
2. Don’t take it personally.
Employers have certain qualifications in mind for a particular position. If you don’t qualify, don’t take it as a comment about who you are as an individual. People can only judge by what they know about you. If you are not right for the job, it just means that you lack the skills and experiences that they are looking for. It’s not you; it’s them.
3. Learn from your mistakes.
Sometimes it’s you. Badly written resumes, improper interview etiquette and youthful indiscretions can negatively affect your chances of getting a job. But you are not alone.
Everybody makes mistakes, and learning from them is how we grow. If you show up late to an interview and proceed to update your Facebook status to brag about it, it would probably be best if you didn’t do it again. Ever.
4. Keep trying.
Not getting a job shouldn’t stop you from trying again. Keep yourself in the game, work on your interviewing skills, continue to network and don’t be discouraged by past experiences.
Learn from it, and give yourself credit for not giving up. You will find a job. You have to find a job.