See it or Skip it? – Nov. 1

The Man with the Iron Fists

Even though this film is constantly advertising Quentin Tarantino’s name above the title, that’s where his involvement in this production stops. Directed by hip-hop artist RZA and co-written by Eli Roth, this Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu headlined film appears to be an attempt to homage classic kung-fu movies of the 1970’s. However, it lacks the interest and quality of Tarantino’s “Kill Bill,” an opus in homaging that genre of film. I would have rather seen one of the infamous “Grindhouse” trailers made into a film instead of this unfocused garbage. 

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Denzel Washington portrays an airline pilot whose heroic crash landing may be scorned when it’s revealed that alcohol was in his system during the flight. This is director Robert Zemeckis’ (“Back to the Future” and “Forrest Gump”) first live-action film since 2000’s “Cast Away” and this drama is a welcome change from his previous CGI outings this last decade. 

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Wreck-It Ralph

“I’m gonna wreck it!” is the catch phrase of the title character in this Disney computer animated film, which has me saying it for the last couple of months, so I’m ready to see what this is all about. The plot concerns a video game villain who wishes to be the hero for once and his adventures that follow his quest. Boasting of many popular video game characters, including Bowser and Frogger, this film may just be the “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” of this generation. 

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