Student Engagement Advocacy and Leadership, known as SEAL merged with Diversity and Inclusion at Wichita State. They have officially rebranded to become the office of Student Engagement and Belonging (SEB).
The offices of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) and Student Engagement, Advocacy, and Leadership (SEAL) have merged. They have officially rebranded to become the office of Student Engagement & Belonging (SEB).
With the merger and rebrand, the official social media page for ODI is inactive and the SEAL page has been renamed to fit the new brand.
Despite these changes, the same ODI and SEAL services will still be available to students; the services are now located in one office.
To contact the office of Student Engagement & Belonging, emails can be sent to [email protected]. More information on SEB can be found on Instagram under the handle @wichitastateseb.