Fall semester brings fresh variety of intramural sports and activities

Despite the abundance of other extracurricular activities that are available at Wichita State, there is obviously something about physical competition—or competition period— that appeals to students. 

Less widely acknowledged are the numerous club sports teams that also represent the Shockers.

The Wichita State Intramural Department scheduled 15 events for students for the spring semester and the Heskett Center is the perfect place for students to spend time to escape from the stress that accompanies a college life, such as homework.

 Students can spend an hour or two participating in Madden, four square, poker tournaments, pillow fights and more.

Scott Wagner, assistant director of Wichita State Intramural Sports, said that they are targeting a wider variety of students.

“If someone has an itch, we’re trying to scratch it, whether it’s basketball or something simple like four-square,” he said. “That might be the only event they participate in their whole time here, but at least they got to participate in something.”

Some of the events which Wagner referred to as “non-traditional” are also planned, such as pari-mutuel betting with video-taped horse races.

“Something for everyone is kind of the catchphrase,” he said.

Students can sign up their intramural teams at www.imleagues.com.