Students may see a constitutional question on the ballot for the Student Government Association (SGA) this April that would allow senators to be appointed to empty seats, rather than being voted in by their constituents. The Student Senate passed an amendment to its constitution to allow the appointment of senators during its weekly Wednesday meeting.
On Wednesday evening, the Senate voted almost unanimously in favor of the amendment. It would end the procedure of appointing interim senators, who then must be confirmed to their seats by a vote from their constituents.
The amendment now awaits approval from the student body president before it heads to the general student body in April.
Speaker of the Student Senate Victoria Owens said the change was necessary due to low participation in elections, as well as Senators leaving the Senate or being unable to attend meetings.
“We are dwindling as a Senate, and that’s something that happens in any organization as we progress throughout the year,” she said.
The interim rule was started in the last session.
“Interim senators didn’t necessarily work the way that we had hoped to last session,” Owens said.
If signed by Student Body President Kylee Hower, the amendment will be on students’ ballots from April 7 to 9.