Most of Wichita State’s Ablah Library is closed Monday, March 17 due to flooding on the lower level, according to the library.
The website for Ablah Library displayed a red banner on Monday morning which read, “Ablah Library will be closed until further notice. The 24-Hour Study Room is open, but bathroom is off line due to flooding on the lower level.”
As of 10:50 a.m., this was replaced with a new notice, stating that the library will reopen Tuesday, March 18.
The notice said the 24-hour study area and music library will remain open on Monday. “All electronic resources,” as well as the elevators, are operating, according to the notice.
“The Library’s Reference & Instruction Services Team will be providing online chat service (as usual) to assist faculty and students with curricular and research support on Monday,” it said.
“Despite the volume of water on the Library’s Lower Level, the vaults of the Library’s Special Collections were not compromised significantly!”
Dean of Libraries Brent Mai was not available for comment Monday morning. Eason Bryer, executive director of Facilities Services, was not available either.