How to combat stress and have your happiest semester yet

College students fall into various categories, but each student can identify with one thing: stress.

Ask anyone on campus how they’re doing and the most frequent response is, “tired.” Students feel a constant pressure to rise to the top and prove that they are the best suited for the internship, the scholarship, the job. We try to find the balance between these responsibilities and our happiness, but most of us never seem to get it quite right.

This academic year, limit your stress and find a happier you with these simple tips.

Limit your obligations. There are so many opportunities in college that it is easy to dabble in everything. Each organization, event and internship seems too good to miss. While it may seem like a good idea at first, over-committing yourself only wears you down and stops you from giving your all to each of your responsibilities.

If you work 30 hours per week, joining two student groups might not be the best idea. If you really need to study for a test this weekend, don’t agree to cover an extra shift at work.

Look at your schedule and find out what you realistically have time for, and then decide which commitments are worth keeping.

Make time for friendships. Friendships are another vital piece of happiness in college. Maintaining friendships can quickly fall to a low priority when you are busy, but they should remain near the top.

A healthy support system is key to feeling less stressed. Don’t have time for your weekly coffee date with a friend? See if she’ll meet you in the library to study instead.

Keep a planner. We have all been there: the adrenaline pumping through our veins as we type up a paper at the speed of light, finishing it just minutes before our deadline.

While dropping procrastination cold turkey is probably an unrealistic request, at least plan somewhat ahead. An agenda or planner lets you see what is coming up for the week and gives you the option of whether or not you would like to work ahead, saving you from the dreaded, “that was due today?” moment.

Have a positive attitude.

This could easily be the most effective of all stress-fighting strategies. You could have the easiest semester of your college career, but with the wrong attitude, each day could feel like a struggle.

Rather than telling yourself what you can’t do, find something that inspires or encourages you and let it motivate you. In your workspace, post a great quote, photos of friends, memorable vacation or even recognition of an achievement you once received.

 These little reminders can keep you powering through the tough times and into your best semester yet.