From campus to campaigns

Students get involved in politics.


Manny De Los Santos

Junior Paige Hungate is the Fourth Congressional District Field Director for Moran for Kansas, Republican Sen. Jerry Moran’s reelection campaign.

Contrary to what students might think, getting involved in political campaigns is simple.

There is a plethora of ways to get involved in campaigns, and there is a position for every type of skill set.

Junior Paige Hungate is the Fourth Congressional District Field Director for Moran for Kansas, Republican Sen. Jerry Moran’s reelection campaign. Hungate has participated in politics since her eighth grade year, but has been with Moran for Kansas since February.

“I got involved in politics because I believe that we should all be actively participating in how our government is run,” Hungate said. “Public service is incredibly important to me, and I think that the best way to make change in the country is to assist the candidates you believe in to get them elected.”

Senior Dalton Glasscock has been involved with politics and campaigning since he was 15. Glasscock in involved in everything involving politics and the Republican Party.

“I had the opportunity to be a regional field director for a senate campaign and at the age of 21, I had the opportunity to be the State field director on a presidential campaign,” Glasscock said. “The possibilities are endless for what you can be involved with.”

Glasscock is also the field director for the Kansas Republican Party, Sen. Pat Robert’s fourth district regional director, and has his own political consultant company called “Ignite Strategies.” This past year Glasscock was a delegate at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

“Working on campaigns really humanizes the politicians,” Glasscock said. “A lot of time we see the opposing side as evil or wrong about everything, but you really see people’s compassion. I have met some of the greatest people involved in politics even on the other side of the aisle. It really makes you appreciate them. It makes you see what people sacrifice when they run for office. Instead of just seeing commercials of them, you get to see people as people.”

Hungate and Glasscock are largely involved with politics and campaigning. Glasscock thinks the easiest way to get involved is to start at the local level.

“The best way for students to get involved is to research candidates and find someone who they really believe in,” Hungate said. “They should then contact the number that is listed with that candidate and let them know that they’re willing to help. Candidates are always looking for more assistance and would love having the young, vibrant spirit that college students can provide.”

Here are some ways you can get involved in a political campaign:

Reach Out

If you really want to get involved, you must be the one who reaches out first. The best way to do so is to email or call the campaign office. There is always room for people to volunteer and the bigger the campaign staff, the better it looks for the politician, so they are always interested in anyone who wants to help.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering is the easiest way to get involved because it consists of many things even something as simple as placing a sign in your front yard or wearing the politician’s campaign T-shirt. Other things include campaigning door-to-door, walking in parades, and calling local voters.

Hold Meet and Greets

Meet and Greets are another aspect of volunteering that consists of more time and commitment. You can sign up to hold them at your house or public places or affiliations that you are involved with. At the “meet and greets,” you inform attendees about the campaign and try to recruit more volunteers, or even just gain a vote.


Networking and social media

Networking and social media is a job that could either be a paid position or something volunteers can do. As the politicians see it, the more the better. This is one of the main things that campaigns need.

If you want to get a paid position on staff, volunteer first

Volunteering is the best way to get to know the politician you are campaigning for. Most likely, the politician will not hire someone they do not know. Volunteering is the best way to promote yourself to them and get some connections with other people involved with politics.