Editorial Cartoon: Hungate-gate
About the Writer

Madeline Deabler, Former advertising manager
Madeline Deabler was the advertising manager for The Sunflower. Deabler double majored in journalism and graphic design. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska,...
Anonymous • Jul 27, 2017 at 4:26 am
I can’t even begin to fathom the uproar and claims of “hate crime” had someone made a cartoon about one of the many Shephard scandals
Fake Pres. Bardo • Jul 26, 2017 at 8:03 pm
Students please,
All this banter will hurt the image that WSU is a research institution and ruin my chances of having a football team. Please get back to being focused on improving student involvement on innovation campus. I desperately need as many students as possible to be buying food and coffee or else we will loose innovation campus.
As always,
Fake Pres. Bardo
Steve • Jul 26, 2017 at 3:12 pm
Paige is a puppet for Bardo and his Executive Team. This is not a personal attack, it is just reality. People can have different opinions about the agenda and methods of the previous SGA leadership but nobody can dispute that they were acting in what they felt was the best interest of the students. Sadly, the same can not be said about Paige. It is clear that she has a different, more personal agenda and while she may act on behalf of the students we all know that she will not directly challenge people like Dr. Bardo or Andy Schlapp if doing so will run the risk of harming her future career goals or annoying wealthy donors. I have personally witnessed Dr. Bardo make disparaging comments about Joseph and Taben in a room full of alums and donors. He plainly stated that he hoped future SGA leaders would be more willing to fully support his agenda. It is also probably no great surprise that what D. Bardo was saying in public about the changes to Grace Memorial Chapel were not anywhere close to the comments I personally heard him make to a room full of wealthy alums. As far as I am concerned, currently the students do not have any true representation from SGA. During Paige’s tenure, SGA will function as a wholly owned subsidiary of Dr. Bardo and Innovation Campus.
Nolan • Jul 26, 2017 at 2:14 pm
All this political talk makes me not want to go to WSU, you guys suck.
Asking for a friend • Jul 26, 2017 at 12:15 pm
So Taben, how much do you make as a professional victim?
Cyberbullying • Jul 26, 2017 at 3:20 pm
Keep it relevant. This is about not a chatroom where people safely hide behind their computers cyber bullying one another.
Also, …he isn’t being a professional victim, because that isn’t a “thing.”
But if we want take your idea to its logical conclusion, then that would make you a professional bully. Which by the way does pay at a rate of you’ll reap what you sow.
316 • Jul 26, 2017 at 9:00 am
What has Paige done to negatively affect students of color? I hear all of these complaints from one side but never specifics. Could someone respond and tell me what Paige has done? Also what grievances are there with the University?
genuinely asking
J. Daniel • Jul 25, 2017 at 7:06 pm
What’s hilarious to me is how SOOOOOOO much drama gets stirred up on campus over SGA and the people therein, and truthfully, SGA is all just a big wank. A bulk of the “Resolutions” that are passed are either recognition pieces (“SGA would like to recognize so-and-so for…) or are merely suggestions–suggestions which hold VERY little weight in the grand scheme of the overall university decision-making process. Hell, even the people IN SGA are cynical about their own power to make change. If they weren’t, then you wouldn’t hear people crying all the time about how Bardo sucks and how the administration doesn’t listen. The only thing SGA really controls is student fees allocations. Everything else is just extraneous grandstanding over things that could be accomplished with or without SGA’s help.
Nobody's at fault • Jul 25, 2017 at 2:09 pm
It’s a political cartoon. It’s meant to be provocative and generate conversation. It’s meant to be blunt and critical. Go ahead and call out the artist if you want, but no satirist is going to care. The cartoon is doing exactly what she meant it to.
Thank you. • Jul 25, 2017 at 2:23 pm
What he/she said.
It's pretty funny • Jul 25, 2017 at 11:37 am
Let’s all be real here, it’s pretty funny because it’s true.
Okay then • Jul 25, 2017 at 12:28 pm
For real though, is there anybody who unironically thinks it wasn’t a typo? Like are there people who genuinely think she typed “White Student Government” on purpose, beginning her racist revolution, seeking to bring about the end of progressivism?
Why don't we all calm down • Jul 25, 2017 at 10:57 am
Both sides are at fault here, and the truest crime of all is that both sides believe SGA has any power at all. Everyone blames Paige for tuition hikes like there was ever a point where she had an ounce of control over that, or like her voice or for that matter anyone’s actually would be heard. Tuition was hiked when Joseph was president, tuition would have been hiked if Tracia was president, and tuition will be hiked long after Paige and all the rest of us have graduated. Everyone is trying to play some house of cards-esque political intrigue game, while forgetting college is a business you buy into willingly. In addition, the difference in tolerance for personal attacks made for your cause versus against it is unsurprisingly vast. Would you have as staunchly defended a characterized and slightly offensive cartoon being published about Tracia? My guess is no. And thats really the only question that matters. It doesn’t matter who is president, it doesnt matter what SGA votes, if the university is going to spend money, they’re going to spend money. It doesn’t matter if you attack Bardo, he’s a professional, he can deal with it. Don’t attack another student. That goes for Paige and Tracia as well as all of their followers. Be a human being and people might be inclined to be one back.
Anonymous • Jul 24, 2017 at 7:01 pm
This is disgusting. Madeline Deabler should be ashamed of herself. Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, there is something to be said for respect. If you have an issue, do the difficult thing and do something proactive to address it, rather than bashing it on social media. I have had several issues and Paige’s team has gone above and beyond to rectify them in a way that benefits all students. There are issues we have not seen eye to eye on, but never would I resort to posting this kind of intolerant, demeaning nonsense. Be respectful and work to resolve your differences, rather than bullying someone you’re not willing to work with to better students’ experiences at WSU.
Taben • Jul 24, 2017 at 10:02 pm
I don’t think you have to vehemently call out Madeline in this comment. We’re glad to hear that Paige has rectified your issues, but you have to realize that that hasn’t been the case with several other students, especially people of color. There are some key points to what Madeline is depicting, lets have a conversation before attacking her which is what your post really is doing.
The 6% That Voted • Jul 24, 2017 at 10:36 pm
I think its hypocritical to criticise someone for calling out the artist when the, for lack of a more biting word, cartoon, is doing exactly that. “Let’s have a conversation before attacking her”, you say. But you dont care about that when you have your agenda to pass. I don’t care for the way Paige has handled the issues that have faced her but I care far less for the response she has faced from the opposition, particularly you and Tracia, who have fallen to the level of personal attacks after attempting to tell the student body you would be capable and level-headed leaders. The outcome of this SGA election did nothing but show everyone on campus the incouragable nature of the people who were almost in positions of leadership, if this disrespectful piece is the depths they’re willing to sink in a moment of discontent. The comment at the top of this chain is suggesting we spice the sauce with a teaspoon of respect, and I see no reason we can’t do that. Maybe you would like to take some personal responsibility and lead the group of students that looks up to you in a progressive direction for the university instead of resorting to cheap and meaningless attacks on personal character, because for all you berate Paige and her camp, she has yet to return the sentiment. If your devotion is supposedly to the university you do nothing but remind us how petty and self-serving an administration under this type of leadership was and would have been again.
LOL ok • Jul 25, 2017 at 9:24 am
“I care far less for the response she has faced from the opposition, particularly you and Tracia, who have fallen to the level of personal attacks after attempting to tell the student body you would be capable and level-headed leaders”
Please!!!! All Taben and Tracia has done wasn’t personal attacks, they were criticizing her leadership and the lack of support she has provided towards students of color. Tracia’s post was respectful and not solely attacking Paige, on a personal level but being critical in her role as a student leader. They wouldn’t even bother with her if it wasn’t the fact that Paige’s term has already negatively impacting students from low income situations and students of color. Paige advocated for higher tuition pikes and pretended that she was the reason why we have wash stations on campus- when it was students of color, including Taben and MSA leadership that did all the work while receiving death threats .
Also it is funny, where were you when Paige “personally attacked” Joseph, Taben, Tracia and fellow senators? where were you when she and her friends created lies about senators and SGA leadership in Sunflower op-eds?
When a leader’s action does not support the people they are leading, expect criticism, do not sit there and say you are human when you need to be accountable. You cannot berate student leadership all year long and then expect people to treat you differently when you become a student leader.
“she has yet to return the sentiment”= haha were you living under a rock last year? All she did was berate folks on social media. And her friends did the same. In fact there were lying about an entire committee just so Paige can campaign weeks sooner than Tracia and at the time they were supposed to. Tracia followed the rules, whereas Paige was suddenly able to campaign weeks sooner and she did so by demonizing senators and Tracia via social media.- So I do not want to hear sympathy towards her when the criticisms against her is all in the name of doing what is right by student body.
I do not want to hear sympathy when Taben and Joseph received zero sympathy especially when they received death threats, had their work ethics question due to Paige’s lies, and manipulated narratives on social media.
It is people like you who buy into privileged folks narratives but do not give a shit about the experiences of minority students, It is people like you that will buy into this bullshit just so Paige and her team can dissolve the little power SGA has, removing students voices in the process of creating WSU into a shopping mall so that corporate interests make the most money by taking advantage of students. It will be on you because you are more focused on hurt feelings than the legit criticisms and concerns toward her leadership and the future of WSU.
The Hungate Scandal • Jul 24, 2017 at 2:13 pm