KBOR, Wichita State need to be mindful of conflicts of interest
David Murfin, appointed by Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, is in the second year of a four-year term. While he holds his position, Murfin should be mindful of where his interests lie.
David Murfin of the Kansas Board of Regents discusses conflicts of interest at a KBOR meeting last school year in Topeka.
Be mindful, KBOR and Wichita State, of the potential for conflicts of interest.
David Murfin, chair of the Kansas Board of Regents, identified his potential for conflicts of interest in a discussion at the latest KBOR meeting two weeks ago.
Murfin called himself, “the biggest problem” in the discussion, and it’s clear to see why. KBOR oversees operation of Wichita State. Murfin has been heavily involved in developments in WSU’s Innovation Alliance, the governing body for Innovation Campus.
KBOR identifies a conflict of interest as when a regent has a vested interest — financial or otherwise — in the dealings of an institution governed by KBOR. That counts WSU.
Murfin is partial owner of two development companies — MWCB, LLC and BCG Developers, LLC — that have ties to properties on Innovation Campus. MWCB, LLC is responsible for the development of The Flats, a private housing complex, leased and managed by WSU. Murfin abstained from a KBOR vote to lease the building to WSU.
KBOR adopted a conflict of interests policy in June 2010 that requires regents to disclose “certain transactional interests, memberships and affiliations.”
Murfin should be cautious in his participation in Board votes, as policy calls for the Board to “review the disclosures and make participation determinations.”
To accurately avert conflicts of interest, Murfin and other KBOR members should be mindful of their dealings, both inside and out of WSU.
Murfin addressed the matter on Thursday, saying, “I want to be as transparent as possible.”
We should expect nothing less of officials. Murfin, appointed by Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, is in the second year of a four-year term. While he holds his position, Murfin should be mindful of where his interests lie.
Conflicts of interest are prevented when members are proactive and transparent. Murfin and his potential for influence within WSU’s Innovation Alliance could pose issues moving forward should he not continue to identify himself as “the biggest problem.”

Evan Pflugradt is the former sports editor of The Sunflower. Pflugradt past served as the publication's Editor in Chief, Opinion Editor and a reporter....
Murfin Has It Figured Out • Oct 10, 2017 at 11:11 am
A nice Eagle story on issues.
Is This a Conflict? • Oct 2, 2017 at 3:04 pm
The FY2018 Annual Operating Budget Book that is in the WSU Library now lists salaries and budgets. Some salaries have probably changed since the book was printed. Anyone can go look at it.
Looks like one of the big winners this year on the money front is Ty Masterson. Yes, Kansas State Senator, Ty Masterson. He is the GoCreate Director. Last year he was a .6 FTE employee making $60,000 per year according to the FY2017 Annual Operating Budget book located in the Library. The .6 FTE makes sense since is gone so much as a state senator.
This year Ty Masterson is listed as a 1.0 FTE making $144,000 on page 313 of the FY2018 book. It shows that same amount for FY2017 in the 2018 book but which is different than the FY 2017 book on page 308 where it shows Ty at the .6 FTE $60,000 salary. The position funding went up 44% and his salary went up 140%.
Why would the FY2018 Operating Budget Book be different than what the FY2017 book said last year? Having it listed the same both years in the FY2018 book makes it look like nothing changed in the position or his salary which doesn’t seem to be the case.
Is Ty Masterson still a Kansas Senator? As of October 2, 2017 he is still listed on their roster for the session that starts January 8, 2018.
How can you be 1.0 FTE at WSU and gone that many days at the legislative session? I don’t think a full time staff member accumulates that much vacation time.
What does his LLC business do? In the past the Statement of Substantial Interest for Ty has listed an LLC called Springboard, LLC. One web search said it is a small organization in the business services industry. Is it anything related to what happens in GoCreate?
Is there a conflict between being a Kansas Senator and a full time WSU employee? The position Ty has says it is fully funded from Restricted Use (RU) sources. Does the full time position give him health insurance and benefits?