Interview: Mariah Clements, Director of ‘The Search’

Tanat Maichan

A senior majoring in Theather and minoring in Art and Design, Mariah Clements, is the director of The Search. She gave thanks to the students who came to support in the preview night.

This week, WSU Theatre is debuting “The Search,” a play on millennial malaise and inaction in the face of a roommate’s disappearance. The script, written by Elizabeth Crino, was the winner of the last WSU Screenwriting competition. First-time director and WSU Senior Mariah Clements talked about the intense, yet rewarding, process of bringing a play to life.

Q: There’s so much to focus on when shaping a play. What would you say is your number one point of focus as a director?

A: My main focus as a director is to make sure that my cast and crew are enjoying the rehearsal process. I feel like you get the best results in the arts when the artists at work feel they can be open and free to share their creative ideas.

Q: You’re debuting “The Search” — how do you feel sort of setting a precedent for how the play is interpreted?

A: Wow! I hadn’t ever thought about that before. In the future, I would like other directors to be able to make the script their own. I am hopeful that my vision of this production makes a good impact on the audience, and inspires other artists to get their hands on this hysterical script.

Q: Did you have a chance to talk with Elizabeth Crino about her vision for the play?

A: I did have a chance to speak with Elizabeth. It was amazing to get the perspective of the Playwright while working on this show. She is an extremely talented individual.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about The Search, both as a raw script and in the form audiences will experience this week?

A: The script is a modern comedy. I believe performing this script at a university really gives it a great start. I think that the text is extremely relatable to this generation.

Q: Do you feel like you’re taking any risks in how you’re directing the play, and if so, how do you hope they’ll pay off?

A: Directing is definitely a risk within itself. As a director you are putting yourself and your work out there for many people to see.

Q: Has there been any surprising challenge that’s come up during the process of bringing the play to life? 

A: There were actually not too many challenges. If there were challenges we were able to come together as a group to collaborate on a way to solve those problems.

Q: What do you hope audiences will feel and do after seeing “The Search”?

A: I hope the audience walks away from this show feeling as though they got to step away from life for a bit to enjoy the arts and have a good laugh. This show was such a pleasure to work on and I hope the audience enjoys it.