May: Top 5 ways to survive until spring break
Shocker Hall is covered in snow on Jan. 19, 2019. (Photo by Joseph Barringhaus/The Sunflower).
If you have yet to look at the academic schedule for the spring semester, I would suggest that you stop reading here in order to save yourself a severe disappointment. For those of you who have continued on, there are a grand total of zero vacation days between now and March 11, the first day of spring break. That’s 32 weekdays of uninterrupted education from the date of publication. How can a college student be expected to survive? With the Sunflower’s (un)official guide, of course.
Dishonorable Mention: Take a few days off in mid-February
The easiest way to fall behind in your classes is to not go. Even if you’re just completely mentally drained, as we all will be, at least go on the off chance that you accidentally learn something. In fact, don’t take a mini-vacation at any time during the semester, if at all possible.
5: Stay on top of your assignments
I get it. No one wants to start doing their assignments for the end of the semester now, but just think about how much easier you can make it on yourself later on. If you have all of your assignments for the semester, work ahead. If not, read the next section out of the textbook.
For anyone who knows me on a personal level, this sounds completely against my nature. I tend to be a hardcore procrastinator, except for one semester in my entire school career. My first semester in college, I worked way ahead in all of my classes, and the result was the first and only 4.0 that I had achieved since elementary school. If you put in the work now, it’ll be easier later on.
4: Get involved on campus
There’s no better way to improve your academic experience than to spend time with your peers — especially outside of class. Go to basketball games. Join clubs. Apply to work for The Sunflower. There are any number of things you can do to socialize, and almost all of them will benefit you in the long run.
3: Read the Sunflower
If you’re reading this, you’re already well on your way to a great semester! Our opinion pieces are second to none, and will help you throughout the semester (or at least provide a nice distraction from your problems). The rest of the paper is supposedly pretty good as well, but the opinion section is where it’s at.
2: Form bonds with your professors and classmates
This is the perfect time to try to make a personal connection with the professors. Put a face to the name (and the grade), and they’ll probably be more willing to help you out later on — be it in the course or in a job search. Additionally, talk to your peers. I know they’re all beneath you, but make the effort to try and be a nice person. Form study groups and set yourself up for success.
1: Challenge yourself to do better
I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly not perfect — academically or otherwise. Of the things on this list, I regularly do exactly zero. Set goals for yourself and strive to hit them by the time you go home for break. New semester, new you.