Courtney’s Corner: Swoon for David Dunn

Looking for comforting jams? Look no further than David Dunn. Dunn isn’t well-known yet, but mark this article, he’s going to be coming up in the ranks in the next few years.

You probably don’t know who I’m talking about, but you should go find him.

His voice sounds a lot like Ed Sheeran. Like Sheeran, his voice is natural and changes through each song.

He’s been around a few years, lives in Nashville, Tenn., and has a recording contract.

Dunn has more than 2,500 subscribers on YouTube, with his videos averaging around 15,000 views. Quite different than Sheeran’s millions of viewers, but Dunn will get there.

He has a lot of songs on his channel, but some of the best are “Me Minus You,” “Have Everything” or “Fighting.” All these songs have great lyrical depth and passion behind them, something all too often lost in today’s contemporary music.

His music videos are all about the excitement life has to offer and being creative. In “Today is Beautiful,” he and several other people go cliff diving. Then the video reverses, and they go back on the cliff. It tells the story of jumping in and loving what you’re doing in life. Every day is a gift.

Dunn is also a volunteer. He spent 13 months in Africa serving people there.

All of his songs are good. And it’s important to know he wrote all of them. Great person. Good songwriter. Even better music. His music is worth a listen, or, if you’re like me, 15 listens in a row.

Check him out on YouTube or