OPINION: Professors should respond to emails in a timely manner

I’m not sure whether it’s a written rule or not —but professors who don’t respond to emails within 24-48 hours (or ever for that matter) get on my nerves.

Why are most professors able to respond to emails in a reasonable time frame, but others could care less until they have a reason to?

Why are guest professors held to different standards than Wichita State University professors?

I want to make it clear right here: I understand when a professor states in the syllabus, makes it clear at the first meeting, or includes in their reply that replies to emails may be delayed for (insert reason).

It’s the professors who don’t do that and then can’t understand why the student is upset.

This isn’t the first semester that I’ve encountered this issue during my time here at WSU, and compared to my time at Hutchinson Community College it has been significantly worse.

I shouldn’t have to fight with my Statistics Professor to have my (urgent) email dealt with regarding missing an exam for extremely unavoidable reasons. I shouldn’t have a professor in an eight week course that responds to some students, but not others. I shouldn’t still be waiting on a response while others have received one and have moved on.

WSU, please hold all of your professors to the same standard. In online courses, it is imperative that professors respond to all student emails because it is the only method of appropriate communication.

I am not expecting that my midnight email has a response at one am. I am asking that my email at midnight has a response at some point during the next one to two business days.

I would like to applaud professors who take the time to respond to student emails in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you, because of you, students are able to return to learning quickly with a better understanding of what is going on.

I simply ask now for WSU to look at their Email Policy and place reasonable time constraints for replies within this policy for faculty and staff. It will help with student satisfaction, especially in eight week courses, or courses with a unique delivery format.

If I do my coursework on time, I expect emails to be on time too.