Baseketball ceremony celebrates ‘magic carpet ride’ season

Charles Koch Arena was dressed to impress Thursday night. A 50-foot arch of yellow, black, and white balloons hovered over the stage the players were seated on while the team was lathered with awards.

“Tonight we’re here to honor these young men who have taken us on what I describe as a magic carpet ride,” Coach Gregg Marshall said. “I stand here as one of the luckiest coaches in America.”

Marshall illustrated just what the men’s basketball team has done for Wichita State, creating recognition everywhere.

“I cannot tell you how many people have talked to me about wearing their Shocker gear in California, Washinton D.C. or even overseas and are being recognized or complimented for the job that these young men have put forth,” claimed Marshall.

Koch Arena filled with fans as radio station 99.7 presented the men’s basketball celebration in honor of the Shockers’ record breaking 35-1 season.

Don Hall, the voice of Charles Koch Arena, also welcomed fans and family.

“Did you ever think we’d see a team win 35 straight games?” Hall said. 

The crowd roared and rose to their feet as each Shocker player entered from the South tunnel one by one.

At the celebration, it was declared that 2014 would become the year of the WSU men’s basketball team, while April 24, 2014, would be known as Shocker men’s basketball day.

Following the video, the Missouri Valley Conference/Tournament Awards were given to the players.

Many players such as Ron Baker, Cleanthony Early and Tekele Cotton were recognized for their outstanding performances and inspiration. Fred VanVleet was presented with the Ralph Miller Captain’s Award.

VanVleet was also given the Warren Armstong Assists award. Steve Forbes said this award was difficult to give because he had to give it to the most unselfish player on the most unselfish team in the country. 

“I want to give credit to all four seniors for letting a young guy step up and lead the team,” Van Vleet said.

The seniors closed the ceremony, saying their last words to the fans, all of them grateful and humble.