The many faces of Wu

It’s been more than 60 years since the inception of WuShock, the beloved Wichita State mascot. You may recognize him by his signature colors, black and gold, and the well-maintained tuft of hair atop his Bart Simpson-like head. But his style hasn’t always looked this clean. Like most celebrities, Wu has had to reinvent himself and change with the times.

It all began in a Kappa Pi art competition in 1948. Wu was given his perpetual scowl by winner Wilbur Elsea and was later given his name by student Jack Kersting.

He remained a cartoon figure until 1954 when WSU cheerleader Dave Johnson and the art department introduced the WuShock costume. Later, another version was given as a gift to the athletic department and was made by the same company that creates Disney World and Worlds of Fun characters.

Wu, in the early years, had a more rustic appearance. He was barefoot with hair resembling a crow’s nest and a skirt made of wheat. He also had a hooked nose that was altered sometime before 1976.

By 1990, Wu had become more athletic in appearance, sporting black sweatpants, running shoes and a basketball jersey. Today, he maintains this look with the occasional outfit and hair color change. He seems to have gotten blonder over the years.

Although he is mostly seen at athletic events, Wu also attends fundraisers in Wichita and is rumored to have appeared in a few Hollywood films. He has experienced wonderful things through the years and has evolved in many different ways, but one thing that will never change is his pride in being a Shocker.