OPINION: Purchase items in your size at Goodwill
I’m sure we’ve all seen it: skinny people, super skinny people, cropping an oversized polo, drowning in a suit jacket, tying back pants eight sizes too large with a shoestring. If you haven’t seen videos like that on TikTok, then I guess I’ve seen enough for the both of us.
I’m sure you’ve definitely seen this: racks on racks (on racks) of clothing that would perfectly fit these super thin people.
Obviously, these people aren’t going to Old Navy to purchase a pair of jeans. Sure, it could be because the sizes that don’t fit these people, the sizes that simply aren’t made for them, are hard to find in typical in-person stores, but why pay full-price when you could pay a fraction of the original cost at Goodwill?
Honestly, I find the act of doing this selfish. It’s crazy to me that someone can make a billion modifications to something to make it a completely different size and never stop to think “maybe this just wasn’t made for me.”
If you’re of a smaller build, the entire world is made for you. Other than H&M being out of mediums in your favorite color and trivial things like that, you’re never going to have to custom-order clothing online. You’re probably never going to ask a worker if they have any larger sizes in the back.
I worked at a clothing store around a year ago, at one of the stuffy upper-end stores in Bradley Fair. Simply put, the largest size we carried consistently was an extra large, and that was just for men. For women, large was the biggest size you could find, on average.
The men’s section would sometimes have a few “tall” sizes sprinkled in, but most were returns of orders people placed online. Any “tall” sizes for women were 100% an online return. We just didn’t carry any sizes for anyone who wasn’t a green bean, but we did carry a sign advertising that you could, of course, ask an associate to place orders for plus-sized clothing.
Online, though, the selection was only a bit more inclusive. Only the most popular (and most basic) items offered larger sizes. So for many people, thrift stores like Goodwill are one of the only viable options for clothing.
When thin people take this clothing and literally cut it up, it takes perfectly good clothes from people who need it. In fact, the whole purpose of Goodwill is supplying clothing and resources to people who maybe can’t afford full-price products.
You might be thinking, “what difference does one shirt make?” Besides this being a really stupid mindset in general, it’s also just super unproductive, and, in this case, leads to a lot of really atrocious outfits.
And let’s face it. If your pants are folded over that many times in the back, you just look like a clown.

Sascha Harvey is an illustrator/designer for The Sunflower. A senior majoring in graphic design, this is Harvey's fourth year on staff. He's previously...