Community members, staff and students came together to combat hunger by creating ceramic bowls for the homeless people of Wichita. The annual “Build-A-Bowl” event, put on by Ulrich Museum of Art, took place in Henrion Hall on Saturday.
Ceramic students and members of the WSU Ceramic Guild provided guidance on proper techniques when using a pottery wheel. Designs were provided on a whiteboard for those needing inspiration when doing their coil bowls.
All bowls will be donated to the Empty Bowls Chili Cook Off on Oct. 21 at Woolsey Hall. A $25 donation or $10 student donation allows participants to choose a bowl to keep and try varieties of chili.
Co-sponsors of the Empty Bowls Chili Cook Off are Ulrich Museum of Art, WSU Ceramics Guild, and Empty Bowls ICT. All proceeds will directly benefit HumanKind Ministries and the ICT Community Fridge Project.
To learn more about the event, visit