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Wichita State's independent, student-run news source

The Sunflower

Wichita State's independent, student-run news source

The Sunflower

Wichita State's independent, student-run news source

The Sunflower

Billionaire to give keynote address

Billionaire to give keynote address

Stephanie Sanchez, Staff Reporter July 25, 2012

Phil Ruffin, Wichita native billionaire and owner of a Las Vegas Strip hotel and casino, will be giving the keynote address at the 2012 Kansas Business Matchmaker conference. Those interested in...

Returned ring rises in sentimental value

Staff Reporter July 18, 2012

You could find almost anything while renovating lockers at the Heskett Center. Wichita State maintenance supervisor Alan Beisel just about has: from student ID cards to old issues of The Sunflower. He...

WSU blood drive still a work-in-progress

WSU blood drive still a work-in-progress

Ellen Jones, Staff Reporter July 18, 2012

Wichita State alumna Kim Cook takes a no-nonsense approach to blood donation. “I’m not using it all,” she said. Cook works for TRIO Student Support Services on campus. “There are so many...

Darren Beckham the Legislative Director for the SGA this school year, tends to go to 'his' Starbucks when he wants to work on homework or SGA related work. Very business-like Beckham works full steam in and out of the office.

SGA legislative director leads busy life, looks toward promising career

Staff Reporter July 18, 2012

Wichita State senior Darren Beckham wears many hats and works to the point that some might say he’s a work-a-holic. He is the legislative director for the Student Government Association; a student studying...

Tami Logue, wife of Mike Logue who is the Senior Painter in Building Maintenance, Nick Hilton, WSU alumni, and Teresa Moses, NIAR employee, are taking the Weight Management Class offered by the Couseling and Testing Center at the Heskett. Each was given a food item and was responsible of pointing out the calories, fat and serving size.

Time running short on free health class

Stephanie Sanchez, Staff Reporter July 18, 2012

Students working and taking classes during the summer don’t do as much walking as they do during the fall or spring semesters, which tends to show if students take care of themselves. While some...

Long Wang, senior, President of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association. Relaxes on his personal couch at Wheatshocker.

New policy disrupts housing students’ plans

Liz Simmons, Staff Reporter July 18, 2012

Conflict has risen between Housing and Residence Life and the 
residents of Wheatshocker Apartments at Wichita State. Starting this fall, all apartments at Wheatshocker will be furnished by WSU. This...

News Brief: Woman falls from Wheatshocker window

Staff Reporter July 11, 2012

A first-floor awning broke the fall of a 27-year-old woman who fell from a fifth-floor window at Wheatshocker Apartments about 4 p.m. Tuesday at Wichita State. The WSU junior is being treated at a local...

Red Cross in need of more blood

Staff Reporter July 11, 2012

The American Red Cross usually doesn’t visit Wichita State for a blood drive during the summer. Its visit from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in the Heskett Center indicates a greater need than usual. Jennifer...

News Brief: Updated look coming to Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Staff Reporter July 11, 2012

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon house will soon look different. The members of the men’s fraternity have decided to give their house a makeover. SAE President Tyler Nepote knew it was time for a change. “Our...

WSU alumna pushes herself to keep on climbing

Staff Reporter July 11, 2012

For one woman, taking part in the Tenzing Hilary Everest Marathon meant running in her first marathon and taking a break from being a working single mother to be closer to the mountain. Most people do...

Wichita State’s Ulrich Museum employee goes for the win

Staff Reporter July 11, 2012

People involved in art usually win for something they drew, painted or sculpted, but not always. Teresa Veazey won for being the 2012 Marketer of the Year Award. She has been the public relations manager...

Dream On: Bardo’s career comes full circle as he takes over WSU’s presidency

Editor-in-Chief July 11, 2012

Valerie Davis remembers when she first met John Bardo as a teenager.  “He was the guy with the long hair and the beard coming over to take my sister out. And the pink pants,” Davis said. “I’m...

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