Things to be thankful for at Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe this Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.

Stranger, still, is that after this week, we only have one more week of classes before finals start, and then we start our month-long Christmas break.

As it is Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment and remind everyone of some things they could be grateful for, not just at Thanksgiving, but all year round.

1. Family —Not everyone on this campus is lucky enough to see their family on a regular basis. Some students are hundreds, even thousands of miles away from home and only get to see their family while on extended breaks.

I am lucky enough to still live at home, so I still see my family pretty regularly, apart from those who live out-of-state and out-of-country. Remember to always cherish your family all year, not just at Thanksgiving.

2. Friends —They may be far away from you at times, but you know you’re always friends if once you’re back together, everything returns to normal.

Other friends are close by at all times and can be at your side in an instant if you ever need a shoulder to cry on. Regardless of whether your friends are physically close or not, remember to always appreciate them.

Friends can be a great way to relieve stress and most often, friends are great listeners. My friends are easily my second family and I usually go to them for help, or complaints about life, before I go to family — mostly because my friends can usually relate better.

3. Life — Be thankful for being alive. Remember this everyday, but especially on Thursday. This year, I was reminded that life can be snatched away from you at any moment when my great-grandmother passed away in October. Remember life is a gift that should not be taken for granted.

Always be thankful you have your life and you can live it how you choose. Don’t let small things in life get you down; it only prevents you from living life to the fullest.

Remember these things and more when celebrating on Thursday.

And remember, don’t each too much turkey, unless you want to be in a turkey coma for a few days after. I wish all of my fellow students, the WSU faculty and staff a happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you all enjoy this much-needed break.