Letter to the editor: Welcome international students

Welcome, or welcome back, to Wichita State University. You have come here to learn the American way of doing things. So try to mix with students from other countries – particularly from America. If you stay within the group of students from your country, you are missing opportunities to learn

Participate in some clubs and associations. WSU has so many of them. You can start a new group/club at your discretion. Contact Student Government Association (SGA), if you need help. SGA has a reputation of being student-friendly and will encourage you in any way possible.

If you get elected to be president of an association, my advice is to do nothing yourself. Delegate every task, but be prepared to do whatever is needed. A president has two important functions to perform. One: To act as a spare tire, for use whenever and wherever needed. Two: To act as a punching bag, to get blame for everything that goes wrong. A president’s job is easier than what most people think, but is rewarding in itself. It requires planning and saying thanks as often as possible. Even while criticizing others, see the positive side of the situation and find a reason to say, “Thanks.” Try being president or a first-hand experience.

The International office at WSU guides you in most of your problems. Do not be afraid to ask a question or to seek help. With Armin Gerhard as executive director, you are in good hands.

-Prem Bajaj

Associate Professor Emeritus, WSU Mathematics & Statistics Department.