Pflugradt: Give Caramel deLites the recognition they deserve

Nothing beats the taste of a Caramel deLite.


Brian Hayes

Evan Pflugradt takes a bite out of a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie.

There’s something my colleagues and my colleagues all agree about: Girl Scout cookies are delicious.

Girl Scout cookies can brighten just about anyone’s day. And, simply put, when Girl Scout cookie season hits, it’s a joyous time of year.

I always think I can avoid Girl Scout cookies — for once, maybe I won’t give into the cookie pushers. I’ll pass up the first round of orders, but then someone brings down a box and I inevitably give in just like everyone else.

Sunday, a box of the beloved Girl Scout cookies ended up in the newsroom. And to much displeasure, it was a box of Thin Mints — the heavy hitter of all Girl Scout cookies. 

Thin Mints are a renowned favorite of a majority of Girl Scout cookie fans around the country — accounting for 25 percent of all annual Girl Scout cookie sales — and I can’t help but wonder why everyone is so intrigued by the lame cookie.

Thin Mints are so addictive that “Psychology Today,” a counseling website, have classified an official “Thin Mint addiction” and explained steps on how to kick the addiction. Are you kidding me?

The top-sellers for Girl Scout cookies are Thin Mints followed by Caramel deLites (or Samoas) (19 percent), Peanut Butter Patties (13 percent), and Peanut Butter Sandwiches (11 percent).

While my colleagues and I all agree that Girl Scout cookies are a treasure, we’re indifferent when it comes to our favorite.

I asked around the newsroom, and the collective vote was that among Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties and Thin Mints, the order, from best to worst, was:

·Thin Mints

·Peanut Butter Patties

·Caramel deLites

I’ll give it to you, Peanut Butter Patties are the real deal, but why are we so hung up on Thin Mints? And why are so many sleeping on Caramel deLites?

Caramel deLites belong at the top of the list — and that’s a fact nobody can contest.

How can you possibly turn down the delicious gooey caramel, flavorful toasted coconut and mouth-watering chocolate drizzle, all on a not-too-crunchy but crisp shortbread cookie?

Caramel deLites are trade-them-on-the-Black-Market-level good — and that’s no joke.

Do you honestly think a thin, lackluster, mint-flavored chocolate crisp can stand cookie-to-cookie with a Caramel deLite?

Sure, on paper the Caramel deLite and Thin Mint matchup might resemble Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao in 12 rounds, but when the two cookies hit the ring, like Mayweather, the Caramel deLites win by unanimous decision in less-than-12 rounds. 

Peanut Butter Patties are a staple in cookie season. I’m happy giving them runner-up in the cookie race.

Case-in-point: If an 11-year-old cookie dealer shows up at your doorstep, do yourself a favor and opt for a few boxes of cookie of Caramel deLites — and maybe a box of Peanut Butter Patties, too. And if you’re into much less exciting cookies, check for a sleeve or two of Thin Mints.