OPINION: ‘The Office’ isn’t funny
Screenshot from the “Scott’s Tots” episode of “The Office.”
I used to like “The Office.” Emphasis on the used to.
I’ve heard people talk more and more about how the show “would never have survived in this day and age.” To the people saying that, you’re right — not because people are too sensitive, but because the jokes are just straight-up offensive.
“The Office” has a funny premise and great actors with phenomenal comedic timing. The show also has some great writers, specifically Mindy Kaling. What it doesn’t have, though, is quality comedy.
Let’s discuss Michael Scott. Michael, while beautifully portrayed by one of my favorite actors, Steve Carell, is not funny. He is unwilling to learn from how horrible he is to his employees.
It is not funny to watch him be blatantly racist in the “Diversity Day” episode. It is not funny to watch him sexually harass Pam. I personally believe the worst episode in all of television is the “Scott’s Tots” episode. It’s not at all funny to watch Michael promise kids college, only to then rip it away because he couldn’t afford to promise it in the first place.
Really, the show is just about how Toby was a coward and so horrible at his human resources job that the manager was able to be a complete asshole to everyone who worked there.
Michael tokenizes all of the minority characters. Stanley is the black man. Oscar is the gay man and the Hispanic man. Kelly is the woman of color. Everyone is characterized as their minority identity and used to show “diversity” without actually having any.
I’m not going to lie to you — I always loved the pranks that Jim would pull on Dwight. Dwight may be kind of an asshole and annoying, but that doesn’t mean he deserves constant torment that makes it impossible for him to do his job. Jim’s constant office abuse creates a horrible work environment that should have never been allowed.
When it was created, “The Office” reflected the droll aspects of modern life in an undeniably funny way. It does not do that anymore. We live in a more diverse world that doesn’t put up with offensive comments in the same way. “The Office” would not even survive a pilot today.

Olivia Babin was a staff writer and designer. Babin majored in political science and communications with minors in anthropology and art history. She is...
Anonymous • Sep 2, 2024 at 9:55 pm
Pretentious annoying people below
John • Sep 29, 2023 at 5:21 pm
Is that what is going on with this show? I found this page by googling “does the office have jokes.” I didn’t detect that an asshole being an obnoxious asshole was humorous… Don’t think this is a woke thing, it’s just an immature form of humor
Thomas J Quinn • Sep 7, 2023 at 5:56 pm
Wow the definition of woke? Nothings funny it’s only offensive? I sometimes wonder do the lame writer just say the opposite to have a story? If this is a story at all. The office is hugely popular, so it would be a nice name in your headline? Lame.
Anonymous • Jul 1, 2023 at 9:09 am
Karen alert in full effect! If the office is too offensive for you then you’re the problem. You don’t get satire
Ed • Jun 19, 2023 at 4:17 pm
The Office might be the very last sitcom you ever watched before you abandoned network television forever sometime during the first decade of the new millennium. 15 years later, in a rare moment of introspection, you can’t believe you watched all those episodes. What was wrong with you?
Lewis • Jun 16, 2023 at 10:57 am
You look exactly how I expect someone who doesn’t find The Office funny, to look
A • May 14, 2023 at 8:11 pm
If it was more offensive it might actually be funny. The Office is funny to people who giggle at mildly stupid people constantly doing nothing, that is to say, Seinfeld fans – the worst people of all time.
Anonymous • May 16, 2023 at 5:17 pm
Seinfeld was much funnier than this junk.
Chris Henley • Feb 22, 2023 at 7:41 pm
I know I am late to this party, but I think the Office is mostly boring and it always has been. I’m not in the least bit offended, I just don’t think it’s funny.
Anonymous • Jan 11, 2023 at 8:17 am
Why comedy central runs it so much I’ll never know!?! Guaranteed though, that is one show that will always make me change the channel.
Marcus • Nov 25, 2022 at 4:38 am
It is not funny. It has never been funny. It’s the equivalent of slow moving unfunny slapstick. You can see the “jokes” ten miles away. It is lowest common denominator of humor. Zero depth. It’s not that the show ever got better or worse it is just mind numbingly boring. Gervais has said he thinks it sucks hard but is happy to receive a check.
Adam • Oct 7, 2022 at 10:39 pm
The show was always terrible. Your editorial is written as though you have an 8th grade education. Again, the office was never funny.
Uh, no • Mar 27, 2022 at 4:13 pm
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: The Office was never funny. You just seem to be someone who does the popular thing. It used to be cool to say you liked The Office, now it’s cool to say your offended. It’s not that deep.
John • Sep 29, 2023 at 5:24 pm
I think I nailed it. It is an immature form of humor. The author simply matured between initially watching it and reviewing it now.
Ritar edison • Mar 13, 2022 at 4:52 am
Take a break and take some time to think why you feel that way with the show lol
You seems to have high level of projection with that “article”. Maybe you loved the office before for the wrong reason and just realized you acted like a jerk with every minority during your life? People like you alway have a weird past to hide by being to much politically correct. Stop to be offended on the behalf of everyone else, you not the principal character of the earth white savior.
Anonymous • May 16, 2023 at 5:19 pm
That is the Phantom.
Dan • Feb 8, 2022 at 6:54 am
“Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.”
Patxi • Jan 25, 2022 at 12:01 pm
The world is full of Tobys nowadays…
Anuj • Jan 8, 2022 at 2:52 pm
Oh boy! I pity you. As Michael puts it, you’re a thief of joy.
I now know why Michael hated Toby so much. God!
TheOfficeFansGLOBAL • Jan 4, 2022 at 11:37 am
Just reading this article made me laugh. Laugh at how utterly hopeless people can be. There’s a type of humour some people just won’t get. I couldn’t hold it in when I read what you wrote about “Scott’s Tots.” Sure, it’s one of the most painful episodes on the show. But it shows a level of comedic genius on the writers’ part that you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. As a POC, and on behalf of all the Office fans in the world, screw. you.
Sean • Dec 31, 2021 at 10:28 pm
It’s f…king stupid. I feel like my intelligence is being asssultrd watching. 95% of it isn’t remotely funny.
woodendoorslol • Dec 10, 2021 at 10:06 pm
(((Babin)))… explains this ridiculous article.
whatashittyarticle • Nov 19, 2021 at 8:17 am
“Michael tokenizes all of the minority characters.”
Yes. Actually, nowadays, big corps tokenize their minority workers to show off as inclusive, and netflix creates data-driven plot shows where they tokenize main characters to make money on a bullshit social engagement.
In the office, it was satire. And it was great.
Now find something else to be offensed, bored white girl.
Gatica • Nov 11, 2021 at 6:48 pm
This page, and this comment section is painfully cringy.
The SJWs and their woke ideology have really parasitized and ruined the comedy genre.
At least if you are going to give your opinion you can justify it better, and hide how you try to sell me your ideology.
Funny how many of the minorities that you pretend to defend actually like this show.
Gatica • Nov 11, 2021 at 7:02 pm
In the same way, your point at the end is illogical. “We live in a more diverse society, the show does not reflect that, and therefore it has no value” As if the show did not have certain points of view open to inclusion and diversity. “But no, as it is done through the lens of black humor, and racial minorities are not human beings, and therefore we must instantaneously victimize them and avoid criticizing them at all costs, the show is an offense to such groups” To criticize something, one would think that you must have a solid argument.
In the same way, you conveniently ignore that the show does not benefit Michael Scott for his actions. You also say that he makes fun of minorities on the show, when in fact the show is self-aware that these characters are smarter than Michael (Oscar / Darryl / etc.), and that their actions are wrong. There are whole arcs based on Michael finding out he’s an idiot and apologizing and learning from his employees.
You literally hate the show because you twist its premise in your favor.
Did you get paid to write this?
Zackary Sanni • Oct 6, 2021 at 9:27 am
I personally think that the office is racially offensive, And as a straight white man, I take great offence to it. And to all the other people saying that I have a object shoved up my rear-end, there is in fact not object located in the vicinity of my bum. My prostate examiner said so himself. The office is what is going to corrupt the minds of kid, and will lead to the down fall of our society.
Now my alter ego says otherwise. He says that the office is one of the most hilarious shows we’ve seen. You guys just need to wake up and get WOKE. Stop being such snowflakes and just laugh at a joke, even if it is socially awkward. Most of you bums are socially awkward these days. Always on that damn fortnite.
bigassstupidmiashitbitch • Sep 28, 2021 at 6:52 am
The office sucks ass, unfunny shit makes me wanna puke
Natanael • Sep 22, 2021 at 9:20 pm
This is the problem with woke culture. You are all so woried about feeling moraly superior that you make your lives more miserable by not allowing yourself to laugh at dumbass shit just so you can keep getting high on your dumbass addiction.
Anonymous • Sep 4, 2021 at 12:25 am
Your opinion piece seems to have gone over like a lead balloon. Maybe you should let people with an actual sense of humor discuss whether something is funny or not?
Jayceegee • Aug 26, 2021 at 9:38 am
The author needs that stick removed from her anal retentive a$$
Skyjordan • Aug 5, 2021 at 8:19 am
People are just buthurt these days. Everything and anything can be offensive if we start taking into account about what an individual might think of it. Without even seeing the name of the the writer I knew that it’d be a butthurt female obviously who’d call everyone liking it insensitive or something else lmaoo…
Anon • Jul 29, 2021 at 5:49 pm
Fuck me dude, like everyone is either saying that the show is funny just get over the offensive stuff and the other people are like Oh I don’t like offensive stuff.
You do understand that reality is composed of people that suck right? They exist. Suck it up and watch it regardless of there being characters that embody racism and sexism, the show is not unaware of the nuances you know….
To the others crying about the people crying… Just shut up, the show isn’t funny period. THERE ARE things here and there that are hilarious, Kevin and Dwight are my heroes in that department. I just get really frustrated around scott, he’s just so fucking annoying and awkward, its a different funny haha i get it but he just sucks so hard. The actor is great, everyone is amazing tbh, the show works great in that it depicts A reality, but i think it’s not that funny. I do NOT care about the offensive stuff being there, because we should all be aware of these things anyway by now, and you shouldn’t deslike the show because it has offensive shit being said by characters, but you shouldn’t just think its funny because they say dumb shit. I mean the show is whatever, you might think its great and all, i thought heroes was great too until I rewatched it, what a fucking joke.
Also people don’t need to have the same opinions as you, theres no wrong opinions, im just mad because you imediatly imply that the people do not like the show because they are too sensitive, or that the show sucks because we are progressive now. Just don’t be idiots. The show works in many levels, comedy is not its best in my opinion.
Jan S . . . . . . , PhD • Jul 21, 2021 at 10:58 pm
I recognize that this is an opinion piece, but I used this piece in one of my classes last semester to showcase how well-intentioned undergrads can misunderstand irony and misplace social justice applications.
In the early 1980s a satirist wrote an essay on abortion that paralleled Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” The purpose of that piece was to suggest, in his opinion, the barbaric nature of abortion by exaggerating and caricaturing both the “perpetrators” and the process. Of course, many an evangelical took up arms in a tone-deaf tilting at windmills to express their moralistic disapproval of the opinion piece. The irony went right over their heads.
The writers of the Office did not intend to approve of Michael’s Scott’s actions. They didn’t intend to glamorize his behavior. That’s the whole point. His character was laughably oblivious. His staff, and the audience, were all in on the joke. They were all unnerved by his over-the-top insensitivity. In the words of John Bullitt (1820) “Satire can become a vital form of literature only when there is a fairly widespread agreement about what man ought to be. The satirist needs the convictions that fixed intellectual ideas or norms can give him, and the assurance that he will receive understanding from his readers…. Satire is best able to develop from a basis of general agreement on moral and intellectual standards.” With full acknowledgement that the following words may sound harsh, the above opinion piece is proof that our education system is, in the words of one of my former colleagues at Oxford, “in full need of a liberal arts revival.” It seems the author is lacking in her understanding of basic literary techniques that, until recently, was a basic standard of learning in any English 101 or English 102 course at a local community college.
If you’re looking for some tried and true examples of good satire, I would highly recommend you check out ANYTHING by Aristophanes. For an explanation of the value of political satire and comical polemics, I would recommend Dustin Griffin’s “Satire: A Critical Reintroduction.” Using comedy to poke fun at the bad guys is literally as old as the western canon. In recent time, well-intentioned (but misguided) critics think they are saving the world from bad guys (e.g., racists, the patriarchy, homophobia) by denouncing works that use it in any way. The use of a bad word or an insult is not bad. It’s how it is done. It’s sad when even Fundamentalist Christians have a stronger grasp of the harm in censorship of objectionable elements than the rest of us (see https://www.bjupress.com/resources/articles/objectionable-elements.php).
Joseph • Jul 10, 2022 at 6:50 am
This comment was so long and drawn out that probably not many people read it. I think he was trying to show off his writing skills or something, idk, didn’t read the whole comment cuz iz lame.
AKR • Jul 17, 2021 at 7:42 pm
Michael Scott is a horrible, garbage character and I agree The Office is a hot mess. It does not even work as a mockumentary. Which TV show would follow a mundane paper merchants for 200+ episodes? It also doesn’t work because it seems like the employees do not watch the show they are on? In what world would that happen?
Human • Jul 17, 2021 at 11:24 am
If your not laughing because the disgusting and offensive things that Michael says, are funny. But your laughing because it’s funny how Michael thinks that those things are ok to say and your laughing to his stupidity, not his ’jokes’. It’s ok to watch the show :))
Jason • Jul 12, 2021 at 10:05 am
Oh, you poor dear. Let’s hope “The Office”is removed from syndication and that all of it is deleted, burned, or buried far underground so as not to offend. Perhaps its epitaph can read “Here Lies What was Once Called Comedy, a Mere Reflection of Humankind, Distorted Yet not for Harm, but for Laughter”.
A bit long, but so is this opinion piece, which is worthless and ridiculous.
Lexx • Nov 29, 2021 at 4:57 pm
Jason, I love you
Taylor • Jul 1, 2021 at 6:54 pm
asdf dude skip the whole first season it has nothing to do with the plot of the show. The actual story starts at The Dundies. It’s comedic genius, but it also pulled off something most comedy sitcoms can’t. Gave you emotional tension. You care so much about the possibility of Jim and Pam being together yet it’s so human-like. Not over the top at all. And for Michael, your cheering for him to not be lonely anymore like he is in seasons 1-4. It’s all around the most genius written show ever.
Dev • Jun 14, 2021 at 9:06 am
That is just a trash opinion. It is the greatest comedy made ever. Probably you never got any of the jokes which makes you say they aren’t quality jokes.
Leo • Jun 11, 2021 at 10:09 am
The show was funny because it was obviously offensive and uncomfortable in the situation is that Michael created. If you don’t have a sense of humor don’t watch the show. If you’re uptight and take everything literally this probably isn’t the right show for you.
Koala • Jun 1, 2021 at 8:55 pm
I can’t believe you would even post this as an author . It’s embarrassing and sad. Cringe! You used poor examples and seems like you watched season 1- half of season 2. ( if that- seems like you watched a few episodes and decided to write a “ profound “ article about it)
The office isn’t quality comedy? You are a prime example of people who find the office offensive or not funny are people who literally don’t get comedy and what top tier writing and acting this show produced . I’m sacred to know what shows you find funny if this is your opinion.
I am dumbfounded you even wrote such garbage .
Johnny Cannon • Apr 3, 2021 at 3:16 am
If it offends far left sjw’s it must be good….All these years and I have never watched it…I might have to go watch it now…Thanks! I was wondering if it was as funny as the memes….You answered my question..
Atelevisedmind • Mar 24, 2021 at 1:50 am
You’ve missed the point and the distinction between the topic and the target of comedy.Almost every time the joke is at Michael’s expense and how horribly ignorant and insensitive he is being and how he has almost completely no self awareness as to how offensive and hurtful he is being. The joke is on him.
Rich • Feb 23, 2021 at 3:02 pm
The show’s arc was weird, and clearly hadn’t planned for more than three season’s. There is straight up hilarity in many of the episodes that works really well. I agree with Scott’s Tot’s being the 21st century’s jumping the shark. This show in its entirety made me cringe constantly. How horrible is it that the payoff is seeing Michael finally, FINALLY, disappoint a bunch of inner city kids who fell for yet another white man’s promise. It’s absolutely horrible on a new level. The only thing that was funny on that episode was watching Stanley react, giddy about this douche finally getting payback after all of his racist homophobic creeper vibes. I really think if Michael Scott were an actual person he’d be a chomo. The author of this article had a great point but never went into the Scott’s Tot’s episode as much as he should have. Just referencing it as the worst show of any ever without any empirical (or any type of) evidence is just… blech.
Alwa • Feb 15, 2021 at 11:25 am
I’m a black man married to a Mexican woman and this is absolutely our favorite show. Ya’ll are way to sensitive. I feel really bad for people who live there lives being so offended over things like a comedy show. Its called comedy for a reason.
Jann Elaine • Jan 28, 2021 at 5:19 pm
I have tried several times to like the office but I always turn it off. I don’t find racial or sexual discrimination humorous, and people arguing that it’s supposed to be “ironic” and therefore THAT makes it ok are missing the point.
I don’t find nastiness funny.
Jason Newsted • Jan 17, 2021 at 9:57 am
The Office is reactionary comedy for far right sociopaths. It’s trash.
Watch Parks and Rec instead.
asdf • Jan 12, 2021 at 11:53 am
I WANT to enjoy “The Office”, and tried watching the pilot 15 years ago but was bored so turned it off mid-way. I just can’t stand the pacing. Looking for something to binge yesterday, I tried to watch the pilot again, and still felt the urge to just turn it off. I love politically incorrect humor (Backstrom needed more seasons!!!), but “The Office” just moves so slowly. So many awkward pauses makes it a hard watch for me. It’s not the overall concept, because I really enjoyed “Parks and Rec”
Do later episodes speed up the pace any?
fenuril • Jan 9, 2021 at 2:37 pm
I don’t find The Office amusing for its very open and offensive way of presenting things; Michael calling people names, characterizing different people based on their appearance or touching a woman’s ass. It doesn’t feel right, honestly. But I do see why people fancy the show (and some saying that they love Michael Scott).
The Office is relatively “normal” with an irksome boss who wants to be everyone’s friend – yes, I agree very much, it’s relatable af. No one is perfect. No boss. No co-worker. No one. The office place where their serie spend most of its time is plain is old and boring – but at the same time relatable. The gossip, paperwork, hateful comments, sexual comments, weird people, annoyingly happy people and so much more than these happy series that contain perfect people and where everything is fine. like For example Friends, Modern Family or Brooklyn 99.
The comedy has different directions whilst some call it dark humor I wouldn’t go that far. It’s an American comedy, The Office, and that’s kinda what you get. The same goes with the British TV show Skins (2007) or the Korean film Parasite (2019), the tone can be much different. And The Office is that American-plain-but-zany-serie-which-we-have-to-accept.
However, I personally can’t stand watching The Office despite being ridiculously funny. I can watch a few episodes and play a random game on my phone ’cause it ain’t that funny.
asmartperson • Dec 25, 2020 at 2:14 pm
true the office isnt funny… ITS HILARIOUS
Anonymous • Dec 25, 2020 at 2:13 pm
true the office isnt funny… ITS HILARIOUS
Gabriela L • Dec 20, 2020 at 3:50 pm
Bro i’m hispanic and i laugh at all the racist and offensive jokes. try not to be a snowflake
hello • Nov 30, 2020 at 10:55 am
Hi, so I’m a white female, and so I don’t really have a say in if it’s offensive or not. But I do have Mexican and other minority friends who do not find it offensive and actually love the show.
Not funny • Nov 15, 2020 at 9:39 am
Comedy can also be offensive, and one rarely sees that until it affects them. Most of you see yourselves as Michael Scott, rather than Pam or anyone else he’s targeted. Most of you have also never been a victim of workplace harassment that the Office is trying to replicate and turn into a joke. So yes, those of us who don’t like the Office may be sensitive, but it’s because they’re making fun of very real experiences that impact real people, not made up characters. Also, this is an opinion piece. Instead of tearing down the author for her option, maybe try to look at it from her angle. You don’t have to agree with it, as you too can have an opinion, but calling someone names is only turning you into Michael Scott, making you a joke yourself.
Timmdoggggg • Oct 29, 2020 at 4:06 pm
This website should be called thesnowflake.com; imagine going through life being as big a PC pussy as the author. It’s comedy jag off!
zeke • Oct 29, 2020 at 12:46 pm
I think you should definitely keep writing! Remember folks, this is an opinion column!
Having said that, I think you missed an opportunity to say how relevant The Office is- exactly in the way that it tokenizes people in the workplace. It is funny because it’s ridiculous, but also because it’s not ridiculous. Comedy writers always have a way at poking holes in society before we realize the holes are there.
Anonymous • Oct 23, 2020 at 12:42 pm
You shouldn’t write anymore.
Abby • Sep 11, 2020 at 12:15 pm
It’s ok comedic genius escapes many people.
micheal scarn • Sep 10, 2020 at 10:02 pm
trash article, people are sensitve thats all
Richard Lam • Sep 9, 2020 at 10:57 am
Sitcom shows are funny like Icarly and Victorious because they made each cast members of a comedy webshow or about a girl who wanted to be a pop singer with amazing friends, but The Office it’s not a comedy show plus their jokes are not that funny some jokes they wrote their script are considered inappropriate.
Ty • Aug 26, 2020 at 11:51 am
Nah pretty sure it’s because people are too easily offended. As a gay black male I found this show extremely funny and still do. Your article is also saying it’s still funny but you can’t laugh at it anymore because it’s not socially acceptable to do so anymore