The Sunflower’s letter to recommend Jay Golden
University President Jay Golden, then president-elect, speaks at a Student Government Association meeting in December 2019.
To whom it may concern:
We are writing this letter to recommend Dr. Jay Golden for your institution.
When Golden was selected as president of Wichita State in October, he expressed a goal for the university to be student-focused.
In June, Golden proved that those weren’t just words. When WSU Tech announced Ivanka Trump as keynote speaker for its virtual graduation ceremony, students expressed concerns to WSU. Golden listened to those concerns and changed Trump’s speech to optional.
Some of WSU’s donors didn’t like that.
Some threatened to pull funding if the Board of Regents didn’t call for Golden’s resignation. But still, Golden didn’t back down. He knew what the students wanted and refused to listen to donors over the student body.
Jay Golden is exactly what a president should be: transparent, student-focused and liked by both students and faculty. He only ever wanted what was best for students and made sure they knew that he was always there for them.
Even before Golden was hired, WSU said in its own way that he was perfect for the job. In the presidential profile sent out during the search for a new president, WSU laid out everything a president should be. It’s safe to say that Golden measured up to these expectations.
“An astute listener who makes a priority to know the faculty, staff, students, and needs of the students and institution,” one of the bullet points read.
Maybe it’s not that Golden wasn’t good enough for WSU, maybe it’s that Golden was too good for WSU.
Golden disrupted the status quo of Wichita State. He brought students, faculty and staff into the decision-making process. He didn’t tell people what they were getting after the fact.
He asked them what they wanted on the front end and listened when they spoke. He understood the goal of a public university is to educate above all else.
Students need to have a personable leader, and they need someone who values their input.
If you want a president who camps out in his office and does whatever he’s told, Golden isn’t your guy. But if you’re looking for one who will lead the university into a student focused approach, he’s exactly what you’re looking for. When it comes to students’ needs, Golden will never back down.
Just three months into the job, Golden had to lead the university in its COVID-19 response, which is most definitely not what he imagined when he signed up for the job. But through it all, he wanted what was best for students even when they weren’t physically on campus.
It’s safe to say his time at Wichita State was never smooth-sailing. But he made an impression on our history, and for that we are all grateful.
A few things you should take note: he doesn’t like being called Dr. Golden. Call him Jay.
He walks his dog, Rudy, daily. If you see him out and about with his dog on campus, remember to say hi.
If you’re a student journalist who gets the opportunity to interview him, save an extra five minutes for him to ask you questions. He wants to know about you, too.
So, to whoever has him next: Take care of him. He’s one of a kind.
Yours truly,
The Sunflower
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Anonymous • Nov 4, 2020 at 9:19 pm
boycott bb
David Lewis • Oct 10, 2020 at 1:05 am
I understand before he got sacked at WSU (ha,ha,ha) the esteemed Jay Golden had a PhD in the field of Enthusiasm Over Reality. EOR engineering is the same “Declaration of Fright” I heard in the 1960’s that is supposed to scare each of us into replacing all out GE lightbulbs with the twisty thingies inside each one so GE can make more money off each one of us!! I really would like to know what an EOR engineer does? Calculate the beginning of the new ice age, bitch and moan about recent warmer winters, or stand on Manhattan island and measure the water depth? The only thing I hear the most about is the sins of each American as he drives to work every morning in his Giant Atmosphere Killing SUV. I would like to know what a PhD in Environmental Engineering, Oh I’m sorry, I meant EOR, does? Do they calculate when the atmosphere will fall into the Grand Canyon? Or give Participation Trophies to the Chinese and Indian governments for stopping all manufacturing and just go into business making The Chinese Virus with a dash of Cobra Magic for all to enjoy. I would certainly like a PHD in Philosophy, Modern Dance, or Sociology to please enlighten me.
Thank You
Jennifer Hale • Oct 4, 2020 at 3:42 pm
Dr. Golden put students first. He was a collaborative leader and listened to the wishes of the students paying tuition and the income of university. The alumni and local wealth should not be able to dictate their will above that of the student population. These same folks thought Dr. Golden was the best candidate to preside over the university then less than a year later to be shoved out. Sad day for the students of WSU.
Class of 97
Jessica Mayfield • Oct 1, 2020 at 11:41 am
So disappointing to have him leave. I wish him the best where ever he goes. It is certainly a loss for WSU.
Larry D. Van Horn • Sep 30, 2020 at 11:36 am
Not being on the inside, I would like to know why “Jay” resigned. There can be many personal, private reasons and if so should remain that way. Otherwise why the silence? Seemed to me he was doing a lot of things positive. Only negative I have seen is declining Ivanka to speak (not that I think she is great), that was a very discourteous action! Students can disagree, but sb taught common courtesy.
Dave Lewis • Sep 30, 2020 at 12:45 am
I wrote a comment on here yesterday morning. Why isn’t it posted. Do you not believe in the 1st Amendment? Or only when if fits your personal feelings You will be going out in the real world “Snowflakes” and you’ll start melting fast
Dave Lewis
Alumni 70
Amy Lyon • Sep 28, 2020 at 2:27 pm
Outstanding job Sunflower! Ivanka Trump should have never even been considered for a speaking engagement at any state university.
Her significant role as “Dean of Business” at Trump University which defrauded over 6,000 students out of their hard-earned money should not only be a red flag but a disqualifier. She provides zero value add to WSU students unless you want to know how to bilk hard working people out of millions of dollars. Let us not forget that a judge ordered HER and her families faux organization to pay $25 million in restitution and ordered to take classes to ensure they never setup an organization like this again.
The “donors” who threatened to hold back donations, should really think about what they stand for. Many would argue that Jay Golden’s decision to NOT have her speak or mandate the attendance was brilliant in that in a sense protected the reputation and value of the Frank Barton School of Business at WSU.
At a time when good leaders are in demand and somewhat hard to find, Jay Golden is a loss for WSU and, I too, hope that he finds a University which will appreciate his ability to really listen to the students, think about whats best for the University and not buckle when doing what’s right regardless of the institution may lead.
Marvin Burris • Sep 28, 2020 at 11:14 am
I thought it was ironic that the chair of the search committee for President Golden would say he was not a good fit for our cultural Midwest values—-one of which is apparently that money talks.
Dina Golden • Sep 27, 2020 at 7:32 pm
So Proud!
David Hull • Sep 27, 2020 at 6:54 pm
Unbelievable! What kind of narrow minded dinosaurs is the board letting dictate how the school is run?
Susan de Wit • Sep 27, 2020 at 6:26 pm
i have been involved with WSU as student and faculty since the 80’s. Jay Golden is one of its best presidents bar none the university has ever hired. I am very sad to see him go.
BRAD S REAM, 1980 GRADUATE • Sep 27, 2020 at 6:08 pm
Well money talks and shit (Golden) walks!!
Getta clue about life in the REAL world before you exit the now LIBERAL LEFTIST WSU campus or you’ll be in for the shock of your journalistic lives, I washed my hands of the association I had with WSU never to look back. When Golden CANCELLED Ivanka Trumps address due to the fact it was not in align with his liberal leftist philosophy………….BIG MISTAKE!! A negotiated departure was negotiated after this Golden censorship debacle with MAJOR WSU donors that he would be outta WSU by or before December or NO MORE MONEY!!!
Just in case your journalistic skills weren’t able to unearth this side of the story, you liberal leftists can fool SOME of the people some of the time but will NEVER fool all the people all the time, its just life in the REAL WORLD, not the life of an idealistic liberal leftist lala land university. I like many am not stupid, so cease and desist pass on our legs and telling us its just raining, WE ARE SMARTER THAN YOU ARE ON YOUR SMARTEST DAY, MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS FACT OF LIFE!!!
Terri Hadley • Sep 27, 2020 at 1:54 pm
I could not agree more. Kansas you have done him wrong. You knew what you were getting when you hired him. Shame on you Board of Regents. This is one time I am not proud to be a graduate of two KS universities!
Dr. Terri Hadley
John Travis • Sep 27, 2020 at 1:53 pm
As a graduate (class of 1967) and a donor to the university, I am glad to see your support of Dr. Golden. From afar, it appears he was leading the university well and it is a shame outside political forces intervened in most inappropriate ways. I am glad to see you are getting an education despite the interference.
Nick Bach • Sep 27, 2020 at 9:17 am
Well stated! As a former News Editor at The Sunflower (1985-86) and Journalism grad (Class of 1987), I commend you for your support of Dr. Jay Gold and for your subtle critique of WSU’s elitist donors. I have ceased my alumni support of WSU due to the increased influence of elitist donors over the years. I wish you well in maintaining your objective news reporting and reporting facts that will stand the scrutiny of your critics and hostile opponents of truth. The world of journalism and communication is far different nowadays. Please continue to uphold your standards, your objectivity and keep your editorial voice strong. I wish you all the best of the best in your future endeavors.
Tom • Sep 27, 2020 at 8:32 am
Do you call this journalism? Is this supposed to be a joke? This was accidentally posted right? You hit the wrong button.
M Khan • Sep 27, 2020 at 7:20 am
Dr. Jay Golden is the best person to take that seat in this troubling time.. Please give him that seat…
Suspicious of you Antifascists • Sep 27, 2020 at 1:29 am
By your admission, Jay Golden and the WSU student body are more interested in censoring those they disagree with than they are interested in the free expression of speech. Golden must be a very biased individual and your student body closed minded academics if they choose not to listen to opposing opinions.
But none of this is really surprising as we notice the fascist Marxist organizations of Antifa and Black Lives Matter being recognized by higher education institutions as pursuing individual freedom. In reality, these groups are domestic terrorists trying to overthrow our current governmental system to be replaced with the repression of socialism and communism.
You can praise Jay Golden all you want, but he represents the same type of censorship and repression Antifa and Black Lives Matter represent. They don’t care about freedom, only censorship and repression to obtain and control power for themselves.
Shruthi Rao • Sep 26, 2020 at 11:10 pm
We are going to miss a great president. Kansas don’t deserve hime. Money money . KOCH shame on you family.
Tais Solis • Sep 26, 2020 at 10:53 pm
It makes me sad to see him go. I met him in person twice, and the only thing I have to say is that his main priority were his students. He always listened to our needs. When I talked with him around 3 weeks ago we talked about how he wanted to learn more Spanish and that I could give him Spanish lessons. The last thing I want to say is WSU was lucky to have him.
Anonymous • Sep 26, 2020 at 9:31 pm
He also ran ECU’s Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement into the ground. Burned through the funding cushion and falsified the reporting data, but yeah, he’s personable.