WSU offering free COVID-19 testing at Metroplex starting today
Fernando Salazar / Wichita Journalism Collaborative
Health professionals administer a COVID-19 test in Wichita
Wichita State is now offering free COVID-19 tests to the general public starting today at the Eugene M. Hughes Metropolitan Complex, according to a release sent out by the university.
Those interested in receiving a test will have to call a special COVID-19 testing phone number posted in the Metroplex parking lot. A trained employee will then collect demographic information prior to the test.
After that, the patient will be allowed to enter the facility where their saliva specimen will be collected. That specimen will then be taken to WSU’s Molecular Diagnostic’s Lab for processing and results. The results will be available after 24 hours and will be delivered through email.
“We are excited to partner with the Metroplex to be able to offer a new collection site for testing with MDL,” technical director of the MDL Sarah Nickel said in the release. “In order to truly stay ahead of the virus, it is important that community members test as often as needed and that they get results very quickly.”
Testing is available from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Sean Marty was the sports editor for The Sunflower. Marty, a senior from St. Louis, majored in communications with a journalism emphasis and minored in...
Anonymous • Dec 30, 2021 at 7:08 pm
Trying to fine my result
Edwin Hemken • Sep 12, 2021 at 2:53 pm
This is Edwin Hemken and Diana Hemken we need to have covid test . We were exposed a week ago. Do you have a drive through?
Ph 316-304-3118
Edwin Hemken
[email protected]
Mubark Althanian • Jul 9, 2021 at 9:03 am
Pcr COVID-19 testing for traveling.