Letter from the student body president: On interfaith prayer space

Wichita State does not have a location that accommodates the diverse religious practices of our student body. My campaign for election this spring focused on a central theme of advocacy, and one of the topics I’ve chosen to highlight is the necessity of an interfaith prayer space on campus.

The Grace Memorial Chapel between the RSC and Shocker Hall is the closest venue resembling an interfaith space. Due to the building’s aged features and the shift in our student demographic since the 1960s, I believe it’s necessary to pursue opportunities to provide a flexible, faith-neutral space for all creeds and backgrounds.

The original purpose for the chapel as stated by Mrs. Grace in the gift document from 1963 is to be a place “open to all creeds and to all races of people.” Based on the original intent for the building, combined with the modern needs of our student body, I have encouraged our Campus Issues Committee to research and explore the possibility of proposing renovations to accommodate the needs of our students.

Here’s what has been brainstormed so far: The permanent rows of pews in the chapel prevent certain faiths from satisfying the needs of their practice. Essentially, any religion requiring movement is limited by the chapel’s layout.

Additionally, pews are most often associated with Christian worship and can project a preference for one religion over others.

I support a truly faith-neutral space that accommodates all faiths. That message has not changed since the campaign.

One solution is to remove the pews and instead, use movable chairs that can be placed in flexible formations. This proposal would still allow for ceremonies such as weddings and memorial services to occur, with the exception that visitors would sit on chairs instead of pews. Musical performances could also still be held in the space.

Some may argue that, as a public institution, we shouldn’t be concerned with this topic. I believe that we can try our best to serve the needs of our students during their Shocker careers, without having to endorse a particular faith.

In fact, interfaith prayer spaces are a very common feature at universities across the country. The Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago is the “hub of spiritual life,” and the interfaith space at Elizabethtown College encourages “a strong culture of religious pluralism on campus.”

I welcome all feedback during the exploratory phases of this project.

In no way do I want to create the impression that specific religions should receive more attention and resources than another, but I do believe that not all religious practices are accommodated by the current state of the Grace Memorial Chapel.

We are in the process of working with religious organizations, university administration, community members and other invested constituents, in crafting the direction of this initiative. 


As always, feel free to reach me at sga.president@wichita or (316) 978-7060.

Your student government office is located in RSC 219. Come say hi!

—Matt Conkiln,

Student Body President