REVIEW: Taylor Swift proves yet again that Taylor’s versions are always better
Okay, guys. It’s that time again. Another Taylor Swift review by yours truly.
For people who may not know — I never write reviews. However, whenever Taylor Swift releases something new, you can bet your bottom dollar I will write a well-thought-out full-length review in detail of exactly how I’m feeling. So, here I am.
I was torn on how to write this review. Should I rank each song? List my favorite lyrics? Talk about the improvement in vocals from the original Red? Honestly, I have so many opinions and there are so many ways I could go about this. But alas, I have to stick to some kind of word limit. So to keep things simple I made a list of my top three favorite vault tracks from this album. Enjoy.
- I Bet You Think About Me
Not going to lie, when I first heard this song I didn’t know what to think. But after listening to it more and more, I am happy to report that I am absolutely obsessed with this song. I love the sassiness Swift brings to it with lines like “I bet you think about me when you say ‘Oh my god, she’s insane, she wrote a song about me’”. The tone throughout the song is the perfect amount of confidence and devastation. I just love it.
- Better Man
It happened. I finally got a recorded version of my all-time favorite Taylor Swift song. After Better Man didn’t make the cut for the original Red version, Swift gave it to the band Little Big Town to record. I immediately fell in love with the song. I have very vivid memories of me jamming to it during my first breakup. Ah, good times.
But there’s just something different about Swift singing it herself. I’m not the biggest fan of Little Big Town, but I let it slide just because I liked the lyrics and tune. But now that Swift has her own version of the song, you will never find me listening to the LBT version again. Sorry not sorry.
- All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Just like any other Swiftie in the universe, I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for the 10-minute version of this song since I first listened to the original version of Red. When I first listened to this song I had never gone through a breakup, but would act like I was the most heartbroken girl on the face of the planet.
Here I am now in 2021 with life experience and an extra 4 minutes of this song to jam to, and all I can say is WOW. It’s beautiful, heartbreaking, devastating and all-around poetic. If you see me singing in my car on the highway at the top of my lungs, it’s safe to bet I’m listening to All Too Well (10 Minute Version).

Lindsay Smith is the former editor-in-chief and newsletter editor for The Sunflower. Smith was a journalism major at Wichita State with a minor in creative...