Ad manager on to the next chapter

Of all the goodbyes at the end of my college career, the Sunflower is the hardest. The people I’ve met, the experiences I’ve had and the lessons I’ve learned have changed me for the better.

I held two jobs at the Sunflower for two years. The distribution manager position gave me motivation to be a morning person. I was fortunate to hold the advertising manager position that has given me the experiences and skills leading me to a career of my choice.

When I began working at the Sunflower, I thought I was in over my head with the workload and the responsibility I held. From the knowledge I’ve gained from working at the newspaper and being a part of the Elliott School of Communication, I feel confident in what the future holds for me.

I have learned a few things in college, so here they are: Go outside of your comfort zone, especially when taking a new job or internship. Keep yourself busy to gain experiences and skills needed for your future career. And don’t forget to take a minute for yourself when you’re stressed. 

This is usually the time I slip out before the awkward goodbyes are exchanged. Here’s what I will say: good luck, enjoy college and hakuna matata.