Spring break not for workaholics

About a week before Spring Break, I saw Facebook statuses and tweets from friends and family pining for their upcoming trips — South Padre, the Caribbean, Florida and even England. And where was I over spring break?

Inside a store selling reasonably priced goods.

As others were getting gorgeously tanned, I was getting paler under the glow of fluorescent lighting. But I guess that’s what happens when your life consists of mostly school and work. You don’t get to enjoy spring break.

I worked every day, which left little time to see friends coming home for the week. And of course, I was busy envying every Spring Break vacation photo that popped up on my timeline, as well.

I didn’t get to see all the friends I wanted to see. I didn’t get to just sit around and watch Netflix all day. I didn’t get any of that.

But I will be getting a nice fat paycheck in two weeks. Was that worth missing out on a Spring Break vacation? I’ll let you know.