Farewell Column: Assuming I pass Spanish, this is goodbye

Brianna Cook

Sarah Beauchamp

As the headline says, assuming I do well in my last Spanish project and test, I will be graduating this May.

To all the current students, do as I say, not as I do. Trust me, although it makes for an interesting headline, you don’t want to be in your last semester wondering if you’ll pass your last language class.

I know telling a college student not to procrastinate is pointless, but watch that deadline if you are a procrastinator. I know you feel like you can pull an all-nighter but remember that they’ve done studies linking lack of sleep to an increased risk of heart attacks.

That being said, I did one last week.

It’s been a bit of an extended journey, but I’m glad to be here. What I thought was going to be two years at Wichita State turned into four, but that’s how it goes.

If I hadn’t taken the extra time, I don’t think I would’ve found the people and organizations that I’ve enjoyed so much. If you want to be more involved, join a club, they really do help you make friends.

While I just started working for The Sunflower this semester, it has been one of the best experiences I’ve had during college. My biggest wish is that I would have joined much sooner.

I feel that my writing has improved so much from the feedback I get from the editors and the past few months have flown by for me.

If you’re even remotely interested in journalism I would urge you to join The Sunflower before your last semester. The staff is a great supportive resource that will help you improve so much. To Amy DeVault and any staff member that encouraged me to join: Thank you.

I’m not really sure what the future holds for me, but I look forward to seeing where it takes me.

Many articles we published last week talk about students who have jobs lined up and plans made, but if you don’t yet, that’s OK. We’ve got our whole careers to figure it out.