Letter to the Editor — The banner should have never been removed


The University’s response to [Phi Delta Theta’s] banner was a mistake. The banner should have never been removed by the administration.

The banner was not sexual harassment and to look at the banner as rape culture is a stretch. At worst, it is sophomoric humor well within the protected realm of free speech.

My support of their right to hang the banner is not an endorsement of sexual assault. I do not condone rape. In fact, I am strongly anti-rape. I will not protect losers who assault women. These boys however did no such assaulting. The quick change in direction of the Title IX investigation is evidence of that fact.

Some, however, disagree with me as seen in protests defacing campus art.

This is not first time in recent history that First Amendment rights have been infringed on campus. Last year, SGA voted against recognizing Young Americans for Liberty. YAL, ironically, is a free speech group.

This censorship was quickly overturned by unanimous decision from the WSU Supreme Court.

The SGA election in the spring gave me hope that there was a change in direction, and that those responsible for the YAL decision were voted out. That idea was short lived with the introduction of “We The Students.”

I soon learned that voting was not as powerful as protests, and that if you can’t get your agenda passed through elections, protest and call for resignations, then your demands will be met.

Should I be surprised by these tactics and their success when SGA and the University sponsor speakers such as Carmen Perez who promote this behavior?

I am not sure how bringing in a divisive left-wing activist is going to unite the student body, unless pouring gasoline on a fire is the best solution, in which case, job well done. Unfortunately, productive dialogue is gravely hindered in that approach.

Is dialogue not what we want?

The problem is that labeling me sexist, racist, xenophobic, and/or homophobic for having a dissenting opinion is unfair and further entrenches me in my beliefs.

I would like to see a campus where we rationally discuss the issues and try to find “win-win” situations.

The zero-sum game is not working. WSU needs a change in direction.


Eric Caruso