Letter to the Editor — Cale Ostby


At 28, I’m a bit older than most students. I’ve lived through some crap. I wish I could say that my life is easy, but it’s not.

The greatest mistake I made in my college career is trying to be a voice for the voiceless. The hatred from our university, our student leaders, and the insanity of some of our offered degrees is reprehensible. Passionate Americans can’t have a voice at WSU. We can’t criticize ideas that we don’t like. We’re browbeaten and our lives are ruined because we don’t want to follow the prescribed narrative.

My freshman year of college in 2008 was so much different than my return of the last couple of years. President Obama was elected my freshman year. I had issues with him on policy, but I wasn’t called a racist because I disagreed with him. I could speak up in class and criticize the direction of the nation without worrying about assault. Things are very different in 2018.

I’ve been called a white nationalist, alt-righter, racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe. How easy must it be to insult someone rather than listen to his or her arguments? It’s so simple to tell someone to check their “privilege” and completely disregard their beliefs. I’ve had two WSU employees tell me that I won’t be able to find a job after I graduate. I’ve been called into a student conduct meeting because my beliefs are so reprehensible.

My passion lies in my love for the United States and for every American. I don’t care about race, and I don’t care about anything other than ideas. I’m not ashamed to say that I love this country. I don’t want to ruin someone because they disagree with me… Why do they want to ruin me?

I’m still waiting for my privilege to kick in.

Cale Ostby

Senior studying business at Wichita State