Videographer sees her future through a lens

Khánh Nguyễn

Cathy Le is a junior in Graphic Design. With a passion for videography, she started her first business “Moonlit Visuals”.

When junior Cathy Le isn’t busy with her graphic design major, she finds pleasure in documenting the special moments of life as a videographer. Whether those golden moments are of the elated smiles of a freshly married couple, the raucousness of a dance festival crowd, or her interpersonal relationships flourishing, Le captures them in their pure form for her production company, Moonlit Visuals.

“I aim for my viewers to have a deep connection when they see my videos,” Le said. “I feel like I’m an emotional person. I used to not be, but now I am, so I want that emotion to show through my videos.”

Le’s days start with 8 a.m. labs that end around noon. From there, she wraps up graphic design projects so she can get to work on her true passion. She spends most of her free time filming, editing, and learning new techniques for video editing.

Her videos are full of a modern flashiness. While she has adapted to the trendy editing techniques she’s learned from Youtube tutorials, she spends much of her time creating a style of her own using hyper-lapses and motion graphics.

It’s a craft she became attached to at a young age.

Le’s father is an engineer at Honeywell Aerospace, but he side-lines as a professional photographer in his spare time. He photographed a lot of weddings and became popular by doing gigs within Wichita’s Vietnamese community. His business took off thanks to word-of-mouth, and when the hectic nature of those gigs became too much for him to handle on his own, Le ended up finding her initial inspiration as his helping hand.

In high school, she started to work on her own creative projects and videos, utilizing social media for marketing purposes. She started by documenting her everyday life, and whenever she went on a trip, she would make a vlog out of it.

Now that her father spends less time on photography, Le has filled his shoes as the art-centric member of her family.

When Le started at WSU, she was a pre-med student, following along the path of many of her family members. But it wasn’t the path for her.

“It was kind of scary because nobody in my family had ever done that before,” Le said of her decision not to stay in pre-med. “Everybody either went to the medical field or engineering, but I was just like, ‘I’m not doing this for anybody else. I’m just going to do what I want — I hate chemistry.’”

Her first gig for Moonlit Visuals ended up being a recruitment video for her Alphi Phi sorority. Since then, she’s branched off into various types of videos, showcasing her creative growth. Le’s videos range from travel montages and EDM music festivals to wedding ceremonies and events for Downtown Wichita.

While she loves living in the moment at these events, Le said she enjoys capturing it for others just as much. It’s where she finds the art to her craft.

Le sees her future through a lens. That future is in videography, and we can all watch through the screen as she makes her way by moonlight.