‘Ned’s Declassified’: College edition
Being a college student doesn’t come with a handbook; Students can find themselves with lots of problems and no one to turn to. In “Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide”, a Nickelodeon show popular in the early 2000’s, Ned gives tips on navigating the life of a middle schooler. Many of those tips can still be applied to college students and the challenges they face, years after people first watched the show. Here are five of Ned’s tips that can be found most helpful and relevant.
1) Don’t be afraid to raise your hand
If people are taking their classes on Zoom or in-person, they know the feeling of not speaking up and answering questions in class. Whether it’s out of fear of getting it wrong or not wanting to interrupt someone during a Zoom call, it’s hard to work up the courage sometimes. Most often, the question someone is wanting to ask is something that other students want to know too. Also, most teachers appreciate students who speak up and interact during class because it shows that you are engaged. Don’t leave class feeling like you don’t understand everything or feeling like you could have participated more.
2) Over-scheduled? Schedule some goof off time.
The hectic cycle of a college student’s schedule can get a bit exhausting, and it can leave many feeling burnt-out and exhausted. It’s important to schedule time in the week to spend doing whatever the heart wants, like watching TV, hanging out with friends, or practicing a hobby. Having these things to look forward to can make a more motivated and productive day for the rest of the week. By taking breaks when needed, various responsibilities won’t feel so stressful anymore.
3) Don’t beat yourself up. If you have a tutor, it doesn’t mean you’re dumb.
In college classes, the amount of homework can be time-consuming, especially when having a hard time understanding college material. In college, success is up to the individual, and some classes may have people struggling to get the grade that they want. Instead of giving up, utilize the free tutoring services that a college provides. Tutors can help explain material and make sure that it’s understood, helping to get the most out of classes.
4) Make a planner and see if you need to do something for school or get something done.
Keeping a planner is essential for a college student. From going to work or class, to keeping track of deadlines, a planner will help a person to never miss anything. It can be used as an old-fashioned paper planner or a calendar on a phone, depending on what best fits a person’s needs. Planning out time to do homework will prevent it from being left until the last minute and rushing to get it done on time. Filling out a planner at the beginning of the week can help to know what to expect instead of stressing out about not having time to do everything.
5) Replace bad habits with healthier habits
Making healthy lifestyle choices is not easy in college; Finding the time to cook healthy food or exercise is almost impossible. Even though a person might not always find the time to do these things, making them a priority will have them feeling both physically and mentally better throughout the week. Leave bad habits, such as eating too much fast food or staying up to late, as a special occasion instead of every day. It’s surprising how much easier it is to make it through the day without crashing.

Julia Nightengale was a third-year reporter for The Sunflower, previously working as a Copy Editor and News Editor. Nightengale is a graduate student working...