Monika’s life-size dollhouse
Monika Maddux sews in a handmade book that she uses as a form of a sketch book for her thoughts and ideas.
Monika Maddux, a second-year graduate student in the Masters of Fine Arts program, is turning a 3275-square foot house in Riverside into a real-life dollhouse for her MFA thesis exhibition.
Maddux’s work is centered around a traumatic event, her miscarriage — more specifically, the blood from the miscarriage.
“The more goodness I add, the lighter the pink will become, but it will never be without a twinge, a reminder, of that blood,” Maddux said.” The pink is me — my life, my loss, my experience.”
Maddux wears pink every day and documents it on her Instagram @pink_every_day_monika, promoting her art and the meaning behind it.
Maddux’s fixation on not being able to conceive and deliver a baby girl is also a major theme in her work.
Maddux’s work is larger than life.
“This work is a progression that creates an environment where the viewer is confronted with passion and compulsion sparked by loss,” Maddux wrote.
She said she is passionate about creating art that is accessible to everyone.
“I feel like there is a disconnect between the art world and everybody else,” Maddux said. “Everybody else either thinks that art and artists are untouchable and can’t be part of that world because it’s not accessible.
Accessibility is one reason she chose an 1891 Queen Anne home in Riverside for her thesis exhibition instead of showing her work in a more traditional setting.
“I feel like this place, it’s not in a gallery. It’s not on Commerce street, but in the house,” Maddux said. “I feel like it is breaking that barrier.”
Maddux is working in her soon-to-be dollhouse until her thesis exhibition in late March. She’s still accepting donations and recently held a fundraiser in order to help fund her exhibition.
MONIKAHOUSE March 29, 2019
1121 N Bitting, Wichita, Kansas
Doors open at 5 p.m.
Exhibition begins at 7 p.m.
Performance at 10:30 p.m.

Selena Favela is a former photo editor for The Sunflower. She majored in graphic design. She is from Wichita, Kansas.