Read FY 2020 student fees requests here
Here is a summary of organizations’ requests for student fees allocations fiscal year 2020. Included are this year’s requests, along with last year’s allocations. The student fees committee begins deliberations on requests Monday.
New this year:
- A separate line item for Varsity Esports requesting $85,556 for the first time to “expand the number of competitive opportunities” and “increase support for the current ESport Sport Club.”
- A Victim Advocate position funded through Student Life. The Advocate would be a direct resource for students who are victims of sexual assault or domestic/relationship violence. Will be Student Affairs position.
Total Student Fees Budget – $9,637,314 FY 2019 up to (based on requests) $10,071,348 FY 2020.
Educational Opportunity Fund – $257,586 FY 2019 up to $258,016 FY 2020
Only increase is addition of ADHD/LD Assessment Scholarship Fund, a $450 request.
Student Affairs – $2,871,059 FY 2019 up to $3,016,476 FY 2020
Student Involvement increase from $983,505 to $1,020,400.
Student Health increase from $943,505 to $952,000.
Child Dev. Center Assistant Teacher Program increase from $320,300 to $340,664.
Counseling and Testing Center increase from $198,307 to $229,983.
Student Conduct and Community Standards increase from $108,105 to $118,099.
Safe Ride Prevention Services Program decrease from $70,000 to $45,000.
Office of Diversity and Inclusion increase from $47,337 to $54,466.
Student Life increase from $89,136 to $145,000 to fund a new position, a Victim Advocate. The Advocate would be a direct resource for students who are victims of sexual assault or domestic/relationship violence. Will be Student Affairs position.
Rhatigan Student Center – $5,004,750 FY 2019 down to $5,003,000 FY 2020
The Sunflower student newspaper – $75,000 FY 2019 up to $153,000 FY 2020
Personnel expenditures increase from $75,000 to $117,975 along with $35,025 in operation expenses.
Campus Recreation – $1,027,412 FY 2019 up to $1,048,388 FY 2020
Operating expenditures increase from $739,513 to $753,078.
Capital equipment reserve increase from $20,000 to $25,000.
Sports Clubs stay the same at $30,000.
WSU Rowing Team increase from $237,899 to $240,310.
Student Government Association – $256,207 FY 2019 up to $280,000 FY 2020
Office expenditures up from $184,007 to $206,825.
SGA allocations stay at $60,000.
Student Advocate salary increase from $12,200 to $13,175.
Other programs
Baja Team SAE up from $11,250 to $13,000.
Formula Team up from $49,550 to $60,000.
Mikrokosmos down from $3,710 to $3,500.
Model UN stays the same at $20,000.
Shift Space Gallery stays the same at $67,067.
College of Fine Arts programming up from $40,000 to $45,000.
A new program, Varsity Esports, is requesting $85,556 for the first time to “expand the number of competitive opportunities” and “increase support for the current ESport Sport Club.”
Graduate Student programming stays the same at $10,000.

Andrew Linnabary was the 2018-2019 Digital Managing Editor of The Sunflower. He studied journalism and minored in English. Linnabary is from Wichita, Kansas.