Center for Combating Human Trafficking director says she faced sexual harassment, discrimination, hostile work environment at WSU
File Photo by Easton Thompson / The Sunflower
Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Combating Human Trafficing Karen Countryman-Roswurm speaks to a writer from The Sunflower in 2019 about the importance of giving students the opportunity to work with victims directly during an interview in Lindquist Hall.
The name of the Wichita State Center for Combating Human Trafficking convention this year was “Be the Bombshell.” Karen Countryman-Roswurm, founder and executive director of the Center, dropped her own bombshell Friday at the annual conference.
Originally reported by the Wichita Eagle, during her opening remarks, Countryman-Roswurm said that she has faced harassment, discrimination and a hostile work environment at Wichita State over the last seven years.
After seeking assistance from the university and filing a complaint with the Title IX office, things only got worse, Countryman-Roswurm said.
“The more that I have sought assistance and pursued a resolution internally, I have experienced retaliation that has significantly impacted my ability to fully participate in, enjoy, benefit from, and contribute to my chosen profession at WSU,” Countryman-Roswurm said, according to a transcript of her remarks.
Countryman-Roswurm said she was subject to racist comments about her Native American heritage and false rumors that suggested she traded sexual favors to advance within the university.
Countryman-Roswurm did not name anyone she is accusing. Rather, she referred to all harassing parties collectively as “Perpetrator.”
“Perpetrator has spread rumors that I, an anti-trafficking expert, in essence, prostituted myself in order to ‘get a center,’” The Wichita Eagle reported her as saying.
When she asked for assistance in making the workplace safer, she said her supervisors did not offer support. They told her not to report and that it would ruin her career, she said.
“Nobody likes a whistleblower,” was one comment she said someone made to her.
In her formal records, Countryman-Roswurm said that she also requested help to resolve the problem and that it was necessary for her to continue.
“Thus, in addition to my direct supervisors, multiple colleagues across campus have access to, and have viewed these files,” she said. “Yet no one has ever spoken with me about these reports or taken action to offer me safety or protection from further harm.”
After she received tenure in 2017, she said the situation was escalated when her harasser was promoted. After her assistant director approached her in late 2018, she filed a complaint with the Title VII and Title IX offices.
That’s when the retaliation began, she said.
According to their website, the Center for Combating Human trafficking, founded by Countryman-Roswurm in 2012, “bridges the gap between direct practice, policy, and academic resources for the purposes of effectively preventing, assessing, identifying, evaluating, and intervening in cases of human trafficking.”
Countryman-Roswurm said she was told that if she did not stop pursuing a Title IX investigation, her contract would be cancelled.
After not withdrawing her report, she said a key employee in her office was fired and her harasser threatened to fire another and stop abiding by her contract.
“In fact, strangely representing an interaction to a pimp, I have been told that while I am expected to continue in my shared appointment as associate professor and executed director of CCHT, for the Center portion of my position . . . the portion that requires the most significant amount of my time and effort on behalf of the university, I am to be self sufficient and pay my own salary,” Countryman-Roswurm said.
She said her harasser, also a professor at the university, made students read an article in class that said “females are more violent than males” and another on how human trafficking was not a valid issue.
Countryman-Roswurm said the students informed her of their experience and said they thought it personally had something to do with her. The students then typed a letter documenting their experience and delivered it to various administrators and offices.
According to the Wichita Eagle, the university declined to comment on Countryman-Roswurm’s speech.
“Wichita State University is committed to the elimination of misconduct including all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation within the University community,” Wichita State spokesman Joe Kleinsasser said in a written statement to The Eagle.
“The University maintains a system of resources to prevent and address allegations of misconduct. While the University does not directly comment on individual complaints or investigations, it is committed to following its policies and procedures in addressing any complaints raised by University students or employees.”

Kylie Cameron was the Editor in Chief of The Sunflower for the 2019-2020 school year.
She is a senior studying political science and journalism and...
Gianna Williams • Jan 25, 2021 at 10:53 am
To the anonymous poster: None of what you are saying is true. You aren’t anonymous – you live directly across the street from this lovely family as you are the only neighbor that shows anyone on our block animosity. I’m a neighbor as close as you and I know how deeply committed she is to our neighborhood and city. She and her husband, the father of their children, are bringing their kids up with respect for their community. Bradley’s eloquent comments prove how smart and considerate he is. I have seen her family mow the yards of multiple neighbors (including myself) over the four years I’ve lived here. I have seen her share the bounty of her vegetable garden with many neighbors. I have seen her call the fire department to save your home and tell you that a tree in your back yard was on fire (from a transformer) only to have your SO cuss out their 8-year-old daughter for trying to help. I have seen them loan tools to other neighbors and help with projects when asked. This family is an ASSET to our block.
I know there was an issue where someone caused very minor damage to your home. We know who caused this and it WAS NOT IN ANY WAY this family’s fault. This should never have happened and I’m sorry that it did. If I’d know who did it at the time, I would have come and helped clean up. It should not have happened.
However, your need to badmouth someone who has done nothing to cause you harm is as childish as the vandalism done to your home. I can be childish too. We see you drinking excessively on your porch and cussing out this family and other neighbors. We see your SO throwing things into the street in anger and shouting at passing cars. We see that your yard is overgrown and usually weed choked. We hear your dogs barking all night long. We know that you’ve demanded outrageous things of your neighbors and have threated to call the police because they won’t do what you demand. I’ve seen you place security cameras to look into the private areas of your neighbors yards. You are the neighbor causing problems.
Bradley Roswurm • Jan 20, 2021 at 5:50 pm
Dear “Anonymous” (aka Doug and Pam),
First, my mother is a woman not a girl. She is a good, kind, responsible adult who cares for her family and community. Please own your personal hate-filled lies and speech. Our family has great respect for our neighborhood, are community involved, and are friends with nearly everyone on the block. We eat meals together, help each other with house projects, etc. and even touch base with each other when one of you are screaming, cursing, or breaking things. Your perspective is only held by you because my 8 year old sister threw a baseball in your yard and you cursed her out. My mom and I had to calm you down because you were cursing and calling names. Consider your own language, “huge distress,” “constantly,” “total,” “always,” etc. It seems like the only “drama queen” here is you. As far as I’m aware, we have only interacted with you a few times over the course of years. And how would you know if/when I called the police or what the call to police was even regarding? Were you in my home and I didn’t know it? Funny thing, I have never called the police. However, I believe many people on our street have called the police regarding you and your drunken hostile behavior (e.g. cursing and screaming, throwing and breaking things in the street, throwing shovels at cars driving by, etc.). Im just a 17 year old kid but to me, it is your own behavior that represents what you describe. I never knew my parents hard work and commitment to the appearance of their home (and also serving neighbors) was disrespectful to the neighborhood. I never knew my mom playing with my sister and I, taking us on bike rides, walks, or tossing a ball was disrespectful to the neighborhood. We love our community. Please, get yourself some help and focus on the joys of life. Surely you have better things to do then harassing my family. Oh and by the way, is it safe for us to play outside in front of my house again without being yelled at by you?
Anonymous • Oct 14, 2020 at 8:57 pm
She’s a drama queen! Always looking for a next argument! The neighborhood she lives in is aware of her issues. Police have even been called my her own son!
Collette Gray Langford • Oct 13, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Saw the ad in Sunday’s paper 10/11/2020 and wondered what happened. That is when I found this article.
I remember when this group was formed. I have Native American friends who work with the issues. I have read Killers of the Flower Moon and watched Wind River.
And it continues, even going after the ones trying to help and bring the issue to light. It has a long why yet to go.
Collette Gray Langford • Oct 13, 2020 at 12:07 pm
Saw the ad in Sunday’s paper 10/11/2020 and wondered what happened. That is when I found this article.
I remember when this group was formed. I have Native American friends who work with the issues. I have read Killers of the Flower Moon and watched Wind River.
And it continues, even going after the ones trying to help and bring the issue to light. It have a long why yet to go.
Anonymous • Sep 27, 2020 at 6:39 pm
This girl might have come along way from where she was in her life but she put her neighbors in huge distress constantly antagonizing them and showing her children total disrespect for the neighborhood.