5 things to do during Sedgwick County’s month-long ‘stay-at-home’ order


Selena Favela

Pumphouse sits empty on a Saturday night. With many businesses being closed due to the outcomes of COVID-19, many are left without any options other than to stay at home. (March 21, 2020)

With Sedgwick County announcing a “stay at home” order, effective Wednesday, March 25 through April 23, here are several ideas for passing the time while you’re stuck at home not doing “essential activities.”

1. Play

Whether this means playing video games, board games, or with people’s feelings, all I’m saying is to play and have fun. Unlock your inner 2017 Taylor Swift and proudly say, “Baby, let the games begin.”

2. Catch up on homework 

Want to finish the rest of the semester within two weeks? This is the time to do that! Read those textbooks, write those essays, take those online quizzes, and pass those classes!

3. Clean, clean, clean 

Spring cleaning has come early this year! It’s time to clean out those pantries that most likely have some moldy food in the far back. Clean out your closet and donate some clothes to a local charity. Or get low and wipe those baseboards clean, because only God knows the last time you got around to cleaning those. Make sure to wear a face mask while you clean so you can avoid dirty glares from people who think who think you’re sneezing because you’re infected, when in reality it’s just all the dust in your soon-to-be-clean home.

4. Start a new project

New projects are the best way to waste time. Learn a new language, sew some of those holes on your clothes, start scrapbooking, or organize that junk drawer. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have fun with it. And remember: Just because you start a new project doesn’t mean you have to finish it. 

5. P90X

In the words of 2010 Bruno Mars, “Tomorrow I’ll wake up and do some P90x, meet a really nice girl and have some really nice s-” — and I’ll end it there. Anybody else other than Bruno and I remember those hour-long commercials of P90x back in middle school? Well, it’s time to call that phone number on the TV screen and make that purchase! Of course, it doesn’t have to be P90x. You could also try Insanity or maybe just some Youtube workout videos. The point is, exercising is another great way to ignore the fact that social distancing is eating away at your happiness. #SummerBody here we come!