Second student fees bill passes, raising fees by 1.5% next school year
Vice President Michael Bearth oversees debate on a proposed 1.5% student fees increase. The first bill failed and was sent back to the student fees committee.
The second version of the Student Fees bill, which “taxes” most student organizations by 4%, was passed during Wednesday’s Student Government Association meeting.
This follows the original Student Fees bill, which was rejected by senators who believed it increased student fees by 1.5% for non-student organizations. The original bill was deliberated by the student fees committee for a combined 14 hours, including an 11-hour marathon session.
The revised bill keeps the 1.5% increase, but reallocates those monies into student organizations rather than to the contingency fund, like the original bill.
Counseling and Prevention Services, the Rhatigan Student Center, The Sunflower, Campus Recreation, Mikrokosmos, and Varsity eSports were not taxed in the new version of the fees bill.
All Educational Opportunity Fund accounts, scholarships, and grants received their requested amounts except for the Historically Underrepresented Student Grant, which received $5,000 less than their $55,000 request. The grant received $50,000 last year.
The original student fees bill proposed less than $30,000 to be set aside for the contingency fund, while the revised bill allocated just over $76,000 by sweeping some reserve accounts.
While the new version of the student fees bill granted less money than originally allocated for Student Involvement and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, both offices still received an increase from last year’s allocations. Student Involvement will see about a $5,000 increase and ODI will receive almost $24,000 more than this fiscal year.
Fine Arts Programming also received less money than originally allocated but received $5,000 more than last year.
Another controversial decision in the original bill cut Model UN by $2,000 – a 10% decrease. The new bill cuts $800.
All but one senator voted for the bill.

Lindsay Smith is the former editor-in-chief and newsletter editor for The Sunflower. Smith was a journalism major at Wichita State with a minor in creative...

Kylie Cameron was the Editor in Chief of The Sunflower for the 2019-2020 school year.
She is a senior studying political science and journalism and...