Curse of the iPhone 6

I’ve never had a smartphone.

Even if the majority of people within my social circle possess some semblance of an intelligent gadget they treat with the love and dedication one would a family member, I have always strived to avoid it.

This idea originated the first time I watched Pixar’s “Wall-E” — the dystopian future from the movie-depicted humans as lazy, monotonous individuals whose lives rely solely on technology. The more people I spotted displaying their latest Galaxy or Android in an ostentatious manner, the farther away from them I remained.

Nevertheless, there comes a time when one’s five-year-old phone — which barely manages to even charge nowadays — fails to fulfill their numerous needs. I realized the day had finally come.

I will become an iPhone 6 owner, yet I don’t know if I will be able to call myself a proud one.

Though the tricky little gizmo has generated quite the buzz recently — at this point everyone knows about the bending fiasco — its features merely serve as an improvement over its predecessor’s, thus there’s nothing new of true significance.

Then again, the screen’s sheer beauty marvels skeptics such as myself, so I have decided to purchase the larger model — even though my friends have advised me against sacrificing storage for the sake of a greater screen.

This sense of indecision remained with me for days, and I wondered about all the people who went through the same process.

Given that experts consider the iPhone 6 to be the most durable phone in recent times, I had to choose carefully, as I expect this device to stay with me for some time.

Ultimately, I picked the iPhone 6 Plus. I honestly don’t mind the fact that I’ve never owned a tablet, and I’m already familiar with using both hands for texting. Who knows?

Maybe it will replace my laptop.

Maybe I will stop going out and limit myself to hang out with my friends through FaceTime.

Maybe walking to my living room to watch some TV takes too much effort, and I’ll just download Netflix and Hulu Plus on my phone.
