SGA senator sworn in wearing ‘white lives matter’ mask was arrested in 2015 for threatening to attack courthouse
Samuel McCrory, left, is sworn in as a returning adult Student Government Association senator on April 22, 2021. His “white lives matter” mask sparked controversy online.
A Student Government Association senator who sparked controversy yesterday for wearing a “white lives matter” mask at the SGA inauguration ceremony has a history of gun charges and criminal threats, including a 2015 arrest for planning to storm a courthouse to disrupt a trial.
Samuel McCrory, a junior in electrical engineering, was sworn in yesterday as a returning adult senator. When The Sunflower posted photos from the swearing-in event, students responded on social media with concerns regarding the mask. Student government would not immediately identify the senator. McCrory confirmed in a telephone interview with The Sunflower that he was the senator in the mask.
“There shouldn’t be anything wrong with advocating for white lives,” McCrory said. “It’s ridiculous that I have to justify that.”
“The very fact that people had an issue with it says something about them. That they have no interest in racial equality or anything like that despite their claims.”
Earlier this month, McCrory was elected to the position as a write-in candidate with only one vote.
McCrory said one reason he decided to run for office was because the senate seats are disproportionate to the student body. The senate is made up of college-specific, at-large, and special constituency senator seats.
“There’s also seats that go to underserved, which basically means you have to be some kind of protected class to run for those, but you can be a member of that protected class and still run for the college seats,” McCrory said. “So you have equal opportunity.”
McCrory has a history of controversy.
According to an article published by the Wichita Eagle, McCrory was arrested in 2015 for suggesting an attack on the Sedgwick County courthouse in a Facebook post and pleaded guilty. In the post, he asked if it was “out of line to storm the courthouse” and said that the “only way to defend yourself from a cop is to kill a cop.”
McCrory said he had no terroristic intent behind the Facebook post, but that the law in Kansas is broad.
“It was something from Facebook that was probably unwise,” McCrory said. “It was taken out of context. It was reported by people who had political motivations against me for a very long time. I saw the law was backed against me with the way it was written and I chose to plea out.”
McCrory also had a misdemeanor battery in 2004 and 2005 when he was 11 and 12. At 15, he pleaded guilty to aggravated battery in December 2005. His mother was the victim, according to the Eagle. In January and March of 2008 he was charged for assaults against his mother at 14. He had a juvenile felony conviction from Rice County in 2008.
In 2014, he was seen multiple times toting a rifle, handgun, and an ax tucked into his waistband at protests and other events around Wichita.

Lindsay Smith is the former editor-in-chief and newsletter editor for The Sunflower. Smith was a journalism major at Wichita State with a minor in creative...
VP • Nov 4, 2021 at 11:48 am
Though I haven’t spoken to, or thought about, this man in years, he’s clearly using the same tactics he always has. And they’re the same tactics as most alt-right trolls.
Doing something that’s specifically designed to make people react a certain way does not actually prove anything when people react as expected.
Sam ‘Streets’ McCrory is unhinged. He’s looking to fulfill his violent fantasies.
Sam McCrory • Jan 16, 2022 at 8:51 pm
The reaction demonstrably proves the dynamic I described exists and is rampant.
I love it when people say I’m “unhinged”. I’m doing very well in my life with a beautiful fiance, a fantastic job, repeatedly make the Dean’s List, on track to complete my electrical engineering degree, produce a rather successful right-wing show, etc. I don’t know how someone who is nuts could do half of that.
Georgie • Nov 4, 2021 at 10:58 am
Make no mistake about this man, his one and only goal is the provoke a reaction in the hopes that one day he can murder someone under the guise of self defense. It’s a deep rooted power fantasy that he has held for years. Violence is the end goal.
Thankfully his troll tactics are transparent. He’s doing something designed to deliberately get a reaction, and then pretending that the intended reaction proves his point is. In spite of what McCrory pretends, logic has never been his best feature.
Sam McCrory • Jan 16, 2022 at 8:43 pm
I stated that the left hate white people and that they’re eager to promote Black Lives Matter even when they commit flagrant acts of vandalism and terror but will throw a fit if someone promotes White Lives Matter even though anyone identifying with White Lives Matter haven’t assaulted anyone or burned down any neighborhoods. This article and your statements prove the same people (the left) who support BLM are the same people bashing me with the assistance of the media for making a statement in support of the lives of my own people. Y’all absolutely proved my point.
Gemma Watson • May 28, 2021 at 2:53 pm
The Sunflower needs to start citing its sources. I’d like to know where the second to last paragraph came from since it was not mentioned in the cited article
MIke • May 3, 2021 at 1:53 pm
Yea, this guy is dangerous for our campus. I wouldn’t be surprised if he threatens to do harm on campus because he didn’t get his way.
Sam McCrory • Oct 23, 2021 at 12:12 pm
I did get my way though. The reaction to my mask proved my point and I knew what the reaction would be ahead of time. The left continues to out themselves as being anti-white.
Boomer • Apr 23, 2021 at 4:36 pm
This guy is based.
Alumni • Apr 23, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Wow… this is who we have representing our student body? I’m almost ashamed to have been a WSU student. I believe people should be allowed to have opinions and personal viewpoints, but this is drastic and from a seemingly dangerous person. Not okay, WSU.