Student senate approves revised student fees budget
Tulips at the south entrance of Wichita State’s main campus.
The Student Senate approved the revised student fees budget at yesterday’s special meeting, which decreases student support services line items 1.62% and leaves Educational Opportunity Funds out of the cuts.
The original budget, which received student senate approval and was signed by the university president, didn’t receive the Kansas Board of Regents approval after they voted to deny any increase to student fees. The original budget had a 1% increase.
The revised budget issues a 1.62% decrease to Shiftspace Gallery, College of Fine Arts Programming, Graduate School Programming, Student Government Association, and The Sunflower. The remaining cut was issued to the division of Student Affairs. $220,000 was taken out of the reserves account to keep the cuts as small as possible.
The budget needs to receive presidential approval before being sent to KBOR.

Lindsay Smith is the former editor-in-chief and newsletter editor for The Sunflower. Smith was a journalism major at Wichita State with a minor in creative...