Wichita City Council approves $20 million bond request for MWCB, Deloitte Smart Factory
A partnership with Deloitte will bring a smart factory to Wichita State’s innovation campus, according to a release published by Strategic Communications on Sept. 10
The Wichita City Council approved a $20 million industrial revenue bond request from the company MWCB to support the construction of the Deloitte Smart Factory located on Wichita State’s innovation campus.
Industrial revenue bonds are debt securities issued by a governmental agency on behalf of a private sector company.
MWCB is constructing the 53,000 square foot building that will house the Smart Factory. The shell building of the factory has already been constructed.
The agreement gives MWCB 100% tax abatement for 10 years. In return, the city will create a payment-in-lieu of taxes equal to $145,638 for the duration of the abatement.
Deloitte says that the factory will create 15 new jobs with a minimum annual salary of $100,000.

Lindsay Smith is the former editor-in-chief and newsletter editor for The Sunflower. Smith was a journalism major at Wichita State with a minor in creative...