Summer choir returns
Director of Choral Activities Tom Wine conducts the WSU Summer Choir inside the Duerksen Fine Arts Center. Their concert is on Thursday, June 26, at 7:30pm in Miller Concert Hall.
Wichita State will be offering students and citizens a chance to test their voices this month with an audition-free summer choir.
Tom Wine, WSU professor of Music Education and director of Choral Activities, has been leading the choir since 1996.
“It’s a community outreach choir,” Wine said. “We have folks in there who are high school age, retired senior citizens and everything in between.”
The theme of the performances will be “have a little faith.” There will be 11 pieces, with the first portion focusing on songs that reflect having a faith in country, while the second portion centers on faith in relationships and the third is about faith in God.
Rehearsals begin at 5 p.m. June 2 in Room C-107 at Duerksen Fine Arts Center. They will be every Monday and Wednesday. Anyone interested can still join next week.
Because participation in the choir is audition-free, some who fear stage fright of singing alone don’t have to endure the mental torment.
“I think it’s a great way for people to come together and bond,” WSU student Olivia Franz said, “doing something you love no matter how good you are.”
Everyone is welcome to participate while teachers may enroll for college graduate credit.
“It’s a great mix of folks. We have a great time,” Wine said.
The concert is set for 7:30 p.m., June 26 in Miller Concert Hall.