OPINION: A college girl’s guide to voting

Voter apathy and lack of voting knowledge are two of the biggest issues in American politics.

An article from the University of Dayton explains voter turnout in 2022.

In the 2020 presidential election only 66.8% of eligible voters cast a ballot. With voting laws in states changing some states’ percentage may fluctuate in state elections.

My first time voting was in the Kansas primary back in August. As a political science major, it’s safe to say that I was well prepared.

I’m not saying you need to meet every candidate — but do some research. Going into a voting booth with no idea what’s happening isn’t going to benefit you and it won’t benefit how the government runs.

If you haven’t already, register to vote. It’s too late to register for the November election, but you should still be registered for future elections.

Know the county you are voting in. If you choose to vote in your home county rather than a college county, find out the politicians on the ballot in that area. You will hear a lot of talk about local politicians, but sometimes you won’t even be voting for them.

Request an advanced ballot if you’re registered in your hometown. Just because you won’t be there on election day doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote.

Know where your polling place is located. Find a time in your day to get there. It will only take about 10 minutes.

Know the candidates. Don’t just vote for your political party, or what you think your political party is. Doing some research on candidates in your district can help you better understand who you should vote for.

Being an informed voter can make all the difference in elections. Not every district will be voting on the same issues. Find out what will be in your ballot and start looking up the options now.

You may not care about some of the issues you will be voting on, but they’re still important to others. Don’t just vote one way or the other, learn about the issue and make your decision.

Do some googling. Get out and vote. Don’t waste it.

More information on the voting process and candidates can be found at the Kansas Secretary of State website.