Friends and family share memories about former Elliott School professor

To commemorate the life of Philip and Elizabeth Jean Gaunt, the Elliott School held a celebratory tree planting and dedication in the Elliott School courtyard.

Philip, a former Elliott School professor, died on July 30, 2022, at age 86. Jean, his wife, died several months later on Jan. 17, 2023.

The Monday dedication featured refreshments and offered friends and family time to interact and share stories.

“(Philip) was here for a long time,” Eric Wilson, a senior educator in the Elliott School, said. “People talked about what a great mentor he was. He hired a lot of people and just kind of set it up for them to be successful.”

Philip taught classes like “International and Intercultural Communication” and “Communication Research and Inquiry” while at Wichita State. Martha Gaunt, his daughter, said he was always helpful with any type of schoolwork.

Philip Gaunt poses with his novel, “The Blane Game.”
(File photo)

“He really cared about teaching,” Martha said. “Not all professors are like that and not all people are like that … I think he did a lot for this school.”

Philip grew up in England during World War II. Merritt Gaunt, Philip’s son, said his father had several different careers and lived in many different places throughout his life.

“(He was about) lifelong learning, trying different things, exploring the world,” Merritt said. “He was so open to different cultures and trying to understand different people and language and music and art.”

Merritt also noted how his father had written several books, many focused on journalism and communications research. Philip also authored a fictional novel, “The Blane Game.”

James Williams, a friend of Philip, said Philip acted as a mentor for him. He and Philip played squash, a sport similar to racquetball, together.
“We would get up early on Saturday mornings and then play squash and hit the ball around,” Williams said. “After a half hour, we’d take a breather and just talk about life.”

The tree dedicated to Philip and Jean can be seen behind Elliott Hall near Ahlberg Hall.