Wichita State water tank gets university’s name wrong

Early arrivals to Wichita State this morning had to do a double-take at the water tank’s new paint job.

Instead of Wichita State University, the y and e in “State” and “University” are switched. The tank now reads “Wichita Staty Universite.”

The logo is around 25 feet tall and 35 to 45 feet wide, according to a June 30 university statement about the project. The logos required between 100 and 125 gallons of paint.

Chance Swaim
Wichita State’s water tank has a major typo.

The tank, located on Wichita State’s main campus near 17th Street and Oliver, is being updated by the City of Wichita “to make the Wichita State water tank a source of pride for the WSU community.”